

curly hair

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1.卷发 刘海儿: fringe 卷发: curly hair 头发分界/分缝儿: parting ...

2.卷发型 大波浪型: wave hair 卷发型curly hair 平头: crew cut ...

3.鬈发 starry sky 满天星斗的星空 curly hair 鬈发 a wintry scene 冬景 ...

4.卷曲发质 THIN HAIR 纤细发质 CURLY HAIR 卷曲发质 OILY HAIR 油腻发质 ...

5.弯曲的头发 black hair 黑头发 curly hair 弯曲的头发 brown hair 棕色的头发 ...

6.卷头发 show 表演 curly hair 卷头发 glasses 眼镜 ...

7.卷曲的头发 chin 下巴 curly hair 卷曲的头发 eyebrow 眉毛 ...

8.自然卷发 ... moustache 小胡子 curly hair 自然卷发 straight hair 直发 ...


1.Louie was then a tall, creative 16-year-old whose wild, curly hair made him easy to find in a crowd.路易当时已经16岁,个子高大,处事很有创意,长了一头狂乱的鬈发,在人群中显得很突出。

2.Carol: Oh, you think you are so cute with that curly hair, unending smile and happy disposition. You make me puke .卡罗尔:你以为你顶着那头卷毛,整天乐呵呵的,笑个不停,挺讨人喜欢,你让我恶心。

3.Bozo was a small, dark, hook-nosed man, with curly hair growing low on his head.博佐是个小个子,肤色黑,鹰钩鼻子,一头卷发挺长。

4.Thinking about a small boy with curly hair, out in the rain then the sleet, kicking a ball around in a yard halfway across the world.在雨夹雪的天气里,在世界的另一边,一个卷卷头发的小男孩正在自家的院子里踢球。

5.She's of medium height and of medium build, with big eyes and long curly hair.她中等身高,中等身材,长着一双大眼睛,留着一头长卷发。

6.The door flung open and a tall woman with blond curly hair threw her arms around Alex and dragged him into the house.门猛地打开,金黄色卷发高个儿女子抱住她的手臂和亚历拖他进去。

7.A tall, thin man with curly hair and glasses, Sweeney would take the bags out of the caddy shack, put them on a half door, and yell, 'Welch!他是一个卷发戴眼镜的瘦高个儿,斯万克将拿起球童屋外的包裹,一半搭在门上,然后喊声“韦尔奇!”

8.Before this, she was called "the hairy angel" due to her thick bushy eyebrows and a flock of unaesthetic curly hair.此前,她曾被称为“毛茸茸的天使”——因为她拥有浓密的眉毛和一头毫无造型可言的卷发。

9.Learning to care for your naturally curly hair is the first step in creating a beautiful style that you can be proud of.学习爱护自然卷曲的头发是你的第一步,你可以创造一个美好的作风感到自豪。

10.Curly hair tends to get more curly, frizzy and unmanageable in humid weather.在潮湿的天气中,卷发会变得更卷,更难打理。