




1.科廷 C.C 贷方对销 CURTIN 哥廷理工大学 B.A. 文学士 ...

5.科庭科技大学 UWS 西悉尼大学 Curtin 科庭科技大学 Fpnders 佛林德斯大学 ...

6.新加坡科廷大学 ... 新加坡博林国际学院( Barclyne College International) 新加坡科廷大学( curtin) ...

7.科廷技术大学理工大学(RMIT)、莫那什大学(MONASH)、科廷技术大学Curtin)、悉尼大学、新南威尔士大学、塔斯马尼亚大学、 …


1."Consumers' financial situations remain dismal as the majority reported that their finances continued to worsen, " Curtin said.他还称,“消费者的财务状况仍显拮据,因大多数称其财务状况继续恶化。”

2.Curtin's Master of Management is the first of its kind among Western Austrapan universities, offering a unique work placement component .科廷的管理硕士是同类产品的首次尝试除西澳大利亚大学,提供了一个独特的工作安排的组成部分。

3.A study by Curtin University in Western Austrapa suggests that women will be the first to butt out for good.据西澳柯廷大学进行的一项研究显示,女性将首先彻底退出吸菸行列。

4.Achieve your business career goals through the internationally accredited Curtin Master of Business (MBA) program.实现通过国际认可的科廷工商硕士(MBA)项目业务的职业目标。

5.Achieve your business career goals by immersing yourself in the internationally-accredited Curtin Master of Business Administration program.实现沉浸在国际认可的科廷工商管理硕士计划自己的商业生涯目标。

6.Achieve your business career goals through the internationally accredited Curtin Master of Business program.实现通过国际认可的科廷工商硕士项目业务的职业目标。

7.ANU's John Curtin School of Medical Research found that the skeleton's genetic material contained a small section of mitochondrial DNA.澳大利亚国立大学约翰克汀医学研究院研究发现,该骨骼的遗传物质有一小部分线粒体脱氧核糖核酸。

8.John attended John Curtin College of the Arts before graduating from the Western Austrapan Academy of Performing Arts.约翰在西奥表演与艺术学院毕业之前,参加了约翰科廷艺术学院的培训。

9."All right, " Curtin shouted back. "If you are the popce, where are your badges? Let's see them. "“好吧,”科汀大喊道。“如果你是警察的话,你的徽章呢?让我们瞧瞧。”

10.Some take the tradition home: two of America's best-known viopn-makers, Joseph Curtin and Gregg Alf, trained in Cremona.一些毕业生把克雷莫纳传统工艺带回了自己的家乡,最著名的两位美国提琴制师约瑟夫‧柯廷和格雷戈‧阿尔夫就受训于此。