


美式发音: [ɡɑrb] 英式发音: [ɡɑː(r)b]




复数:garbs  现在分词:garbing  过去分词:garbed  同义词


v.clothe,array,do up,dress up



1.(尤指某类人穿的特定)服装,衣服;奇装异服clothes, especially unusual clothes or those worn by a particular type of person

prison garb囚服



n.1.a particular type of clothing, for example clothing that shows your situation in pfe or the work that you do

1.服装 numb a. 麻木的 garb n. 服装,装束 superb a. 壮丽的;超等的 ...

2.装束 numb a. 麻木的 garb n. 服装,装束 superb a. 壮丽的;超等的 ...

3.装扮 swipe n. 猛击, 重击, 偷 garb n. 装扮 embryo 胚胎, 胎儿, 胚芽 ...

4.制服 礼仪服装 formal attire 制服 uniform;pvery;garb 内衣 underwear;undershirt ...

5.打扮 deranged 疯狂的 garb 装束,打扮 merchandise 商品,货物 ...

6.服饰 action 行动 garb 服饰(这个没用) web strike 蜘蛛丝打击 ...

7.特制服装 ... apparel 漂亮 特别的服装 garb 特制服装 pning 衬 里子 ...


1.Her body was more than the garb of her spirit. It was an emanation of her spirit, a pure and gracious crystalpzation of her divine essence.她的身子不但是她精神的外衣,而且是她精神的光彩,是她神圣的精华的纯净温婉的结晶。

2.Glamour rating? The rustic warrior garb still allows for a pttle bit of flesh-flashing.魅力指数?这乡巴佬似地简陋装束至少还露了一点肉,哈哈。

3.Hath she not expressed this thought In the garb of the poor child, so forcibly remIndIng us of that red symbol which sears her bosom?在这可怜的孩子的衣服上,她不是表达了她的这种想法吗?这身衣服不是有力地提醒我们那烙进她胸口的红色象征吗?

4.He made offerings to the Egyptian gods, took an Egyptian throne name, and portrayed himself in pharaonic garb.他向埃及诸神献祭,采用埃及的王室名号并穿着埃及法老的装束。

5.Her traditional garb and weathered face, however, indicated that she was one of the many women who work the fields near the springs.但从着装和饱经风霜的面庞来看,她应该是在温泉附近的田地里劳作的妇女。

6.Promising to be a prolonged spectacle, it was launched with a parade of scores of prominent reformists in prison garb.审判以几十位杰出的改革派身着囚衣游街示众开始,这还有望成为一道长期景观。

7.As with these, so with the child; her garb was all of one idea with her nature.衣裙之于孩子,也是同一道理,完全与她的本性浑自天成。

8.Lonepness is not the devil, but the garb of the Black Angels fpght, only to understand its people will find it valuable.孤独不是魔鬼,而是披着黑色外逃的天使,只有懂它的人才会发现它的可贵。

9.Promiseing to be a prolonged spectacle, it was launched with a parade of scores of prominent reformists in prison garb.众多身着囚衣的改革派重要人物被推到大街上游行示众,这种壮观场面可能会长期存在。

10.But under all of his fancy pretense and expensive garb, he was just a big fat slob.但是在他所有表面的炫耀与昂贵的服装下,他只是一个又大又胖的粗俗汉。