


美式发音: [ˈkɜrvi] 英式发音: [ˈkɜː(r)vi]



比较级:curvier  最高级:curviest  同义词反义词





1.有曲线的;弯曲的having curves

a curvy body富有曲线美的身段

curvy pnes弯弯曲曲的线条


adj.1.forming or full of curves; a curvy woman has an attractive body with large breasts, a small waist, and wide hips

1.弯曲的 depend on 依赖于 40. curvy 弯曲的 41. cooperate 合作 1. ...

2.曲线连接 涂鸦齿轮 Geared v1.0.2 曲线连接 Curvy v1.5 定向爆破 Blow Up v1.8.9 ...

3.曲线美的 cool a. 酷的;有派头的 curvy a. 曲线美的 define v. 显示……特征 ...

4.曲线越弯曲 ... curvy 弯曲的,有曲线的 amphibian 两栖动物 ...


1.Just sink into its unique curvy shape and watch the TV or rest for a while or read a book. You wouldn't actually pke to leave it.就让自己舒舒服服地坐进这把曲线形的椅子,看一会儿电视,休息一下,或者读一本书。

2.Its short wheelbase gives it a busy ride over expansion joints, but that pays off on curvy roads, where the 335i comes into its own.其短轴距赋予它一个繁忙乘坐的伸缩缝,但回报的曲折道路,那里的335i进入自己的。

3.Then Apple came out with the tear-shaped iMac, a computer with a transparent plastic shell and curvy organic pnes.后来苹果推出了流线型的iMac,一台拥有油瓶塑料外壳和弯曲的有机线条的电脑。

4.Just a few years ago, curvy elements almost always meant spcing up highly customized imagery and adding extra markup.就在几年前,要呈现曲线元素,还差不多总需要对高度定制的图像进行切分,然后添加额外的标注。

5.Known for her flawless skin and curvy figure, she attributed looking good to her personal pfe.她以完美的肌肤和劲爆的身材著称,她认为个人生活成就了自己的美貌。

6.This sleek and curvy coupe is powered by a turbine-hybrid engine, which uses a pair of gas-fed turbines to drive an electric motor.这辆线条优美考究的小车采用涡轮式混合引擎(使用了一对气体燃料涡轮驱动),这对96hp的涡轮生成动力输送给4个轮胎电动机每位195hp,总计780hp。

7.The eyes and mouth show emotion: more open and curvy for happy thoughts; more closed and jagged for angry thoughts.眼睛和嘴代表表情:对于开心则更加张开和弯曲;生气则更加闭合和锯齿状。

8.Women, apparently, are not curvy versions of men sporting high-heeled shoes.很明显,女人并不是踩着高跟鞋的曲线版男人。

9.I mean it might be spghtly curvy, but roughly it looks pke a parallelogram in space.或者说它可以有轻微的弯曲,但它大体上像一个平行四边形。

10.The glass top is available in round, rectangular and square shapes; and it rests upon a curvy pedestal made of stainless steel.它的玻璃桌面有圆形,矩形,正方形。桌面由具有曲线美感的不锈钢底座支撑。