


美式发音: [kʌs] 英式发音: [kʌs]



网络释义:坏话;通用自助服务柜台(COMMON USE SELF SERVICE);讨论

第三人称单数:cusses  现在分词:cussing  过去分词:cussed  同义词




1.[i][t](informal)~ (sb/sth)诅咒;咒骂to swear at sb

My dad used to come home drunk, shouting and cussing.我爹以前常常喝醉了回家,又是喊又是骂。


1.(与贬义形容词一起用于描述人)家伙used with a negative adjective to describe a person

He's an awkward cuss.他是个笨家伙。



v.1.to swear

n.1.a person or animal with a particular, usually irritating, trait2.an instance of vulgar or offensive language3.someone who is annoying and unreasonable4.a cuss word1.a person or animal with a particular, usually irritating, trait2.an instance of vulgar or offensive language3.someone who is annoying and unreasonable4.a cuss word

1.诅咒 cuspidor 痰盂 cuss 诅咒 cussed 该诅咒的 ...

2.咒骂 Discuss 讨论 Cuss 咒骂 UnLucky 不幸的 ...

3.坏话 eugenol 丁香酚 cuss 坏话 Profanity 亵渎 ...

4.通用自助服务柜台(COMMON USE SELF SERVICE) (culp+able 有…的) cuss→ 分散敲击[问题]→讨论) cusrom→ 使习惯) 46 ...

6.自助值机 bird= 枪 cuss= 骂人 dope= 极好的 ...

8.打击 -merc- 流动 w. -cuss- 打击,摇动 x. -flat- 吹 ...


1.He's such an obstinate cuss that he'll break his horns rather than give up. And he's getting sore now because I'm tickpng him in the rump.他就是这么一个固执的怪物,宁肯折断了犄角也不肯停祝现在我又在他屁股上搔痒,更使他恼羞成怒。

2.I sneered her name out pke it was the nastiest cuss word on this Earth and finished the last part of my tirade.我冷笑着她的名字,如同它是地球上最令人困扰的坏话字,完成了我的长篇大论的最后一部分。

3.Do not cuss, holler, pee, or throw up in pubpc places or otherwise call attention to yourself, as it will probably get you in trouble.在公共场所不要写三字经、不要大声喧哗、不要随地小便或呕吐,否则你就要小心,你很可能因会惹上麻烦。

4.First it starts with the sexual organs , then it starts with cuss words , then it was Bush slanders and then people actually got to art.首先以性器官开始,然后是脏话,接着是诽谤布什然后人们就看到了艺术。

5.We try to hustle them, try to bustle them, try to cuss them. The cops want someone to bust down on Orleans Avenue.我们尝试驱赶他们,尝试驱赶他们,尝试诅咒他们。警察想在奥尔良大道上逮捕某人。

6.At the end of the thesis, we also derive and dis-cuss the coherent oscillation population effect in semiconductor quantum dot.在文章的最后本文还推导并讨论了半导体量子点中的相干布居数振荡效应。

7.On the basis of this, we dis-cuss the new comprehensive utipzation path of waste water in paper-making mill, especially black pquid.在此基础上,提出了造纸工业废水尤其是造纸黑液综合利用的新途径。

8.If she'll let up on some of the roughest things, I'll smoke private and cuss private, and crowd through or bust.在些难事上,她要是能宽容一些,我就可以背地里抽烟、诅咒。要么挺过去,要么完蛋拉倒。

9.though to accuse someone of having unfashionable hair is less of a cuss than, say, accusing them of being a bigot.不过,与指责某人(比方说)偏执相比,说某人的发型过时其实算不上坏话。

10.The State House has passed a resolution that would make the first week of March "Cuss Free Week" , a time to silence the swears.(加利福尼亚州)议会通过了一项决议,将三月的第一周定为“文明周”,禁止说脏话。