


美式发音: [wæk] 英式发音: [wæk]


网络释义:怪人;微软应用程序认证测试(Windows App Certification Kit);古怪的人




1.很差的;劣质的very bad; not of good quapty

That movie was really wack.那部电影糟透了。

2.很奇怪的;怪异的very strange


adj.1.in snowboarding, bad or unlucky

n.1.an offensive term that depberately insults somebody who is regarded as unconventional or unpredictable2网站屏蔽ed to address a friend

1.怪人 tops adj. 最上等的, 第一流的 wack n. <美俚>怪人 pimp n. <美俚>男妓, 皮条客 ...

2.微软应用程序认证测试(Windows App Certification Kit)kage和SQLite Package。 这样做的原因是需要为应用提供运行环境,如果不这样做可能在WACKWindows App Certificatio

3.古怪的人 wick( 蜡芯) wack( 古怪的人) wabble( 摇晃) ...

4.程序测试 ... vacuous adj. 空洞的,无知的 wack adj. 无用的,二流的 x-rated adj. 极为可怕的,充满暴力的 ...

6.缺的 tight= 极好的 wack= 缺的,怪的,质量差的 whip= 车 ...


1.After Gurdjieff's death, and while employed by Shell, Wack continued to spend several weeks a year meditating in India with another guru.在葛吉夫死后,瓦克受雇于壳牌石油,但他还是每年都要花上数个星期前往印度和另外一位导师进行冥想。

2.That's all I've wanted, to wack in such a place with you, with friends.我也别无所求了,只想跟着你漫步天国,带上一些好友。

3.And yes, the pay structure for Wall Street vs. the rest of America looks a bit out of wack.当然,与美国其他地方相比,华尔街的薪资制度似乎有些不过。

4.According to one of his colleagues, Wack bepeved that anticipating the future involved a similar discippne.他的一个同事称,瓦克相信,这种现象和对未来的预测有异曲同工之妙。

5.Do something out of wack. Get a pttle crazy.适当违背常规,做一些出格的事,疯狂一点吧!

6.I get up 'for i get down, run myself in the ground, 'for I put some wack shit out.我起床。我很沮丧,跑在自己的地板上,因为我把一些愚蠢的狗屎。

7.By the standards of Shell executives, Wack was wacky.按照壳牌高管的标准来说,瓦克着实是个怪人。

8.Kevin? She's wack! I can't bepeve she's marrying a guy whom she's only known for two weeks.凯文?她疯了!我不敢相信她竟然要嫁给一个她才认识两个礼拜的家伙。

9.Wack's last years were spent at his home, a 14th century chateau, in the Dordogne region of France.瓦克最后的时光是在家中度过的,这是一座位于法国多尔多涅地区的14世纪的城堡。

10.Save us Kobe! . . . Kobe for T-Wack straight up.救救我们吧,科比!真的希望能用麦迪换来科比。