


网络释义:客户;Comprehensive University System of Taiwan;客户表(Customer)


1.客户 员工1 employee1 客户1 cust1 客服1 custservice1 ...

2.Comprehensive University System of TaiwanComprehensive University System of Taiwan (CUST)The documentary is about love, democracy, and an important part in Tai…

3.客户表(Customer)客户表CUST)字段 中文说明 字段类型 是否主键/外键CUST_ID 客户编号 Number(10) 主键CUST_NAME 客户名称 Varchar2…

4.长春理工大学(Changchun University of Science and Technology)长春理工大学cust)2012年硕士研究生跨专业加试要求 [内容预览] 15 | 2011-12-01



1.For table CUST_ORDER_HEADER, both of the existing indexes do not support the local and join predicates on the table, as shown below.对于CUST_ORDER_HEADER表,现有的索引表不支持表上的本地和连接谓词,如下所示。

2.If the servlet is called by a user who belongs to "bankCustomer" security role, the method call isUserInRole( "cust" ) returns true.如果属于“bankCustomer”安全角色的用户调用了该servlet,方法isUserInRole(“cust”)将返回true。

3.This may cause serious performance problems since the CUST_ORDER_HEADER could be accessed many times.这会造成严重的性能问题,因为CUST_ORDER_HEADER会被访问很多次。

4.After reviewing her apppcation code, she agrees that the CUST_STATE_TAX table should also be copied with the other tables she has selected.在查看应用程序代码之后,她想要将CUST_STATE_TAX表和其他已选择的表一起复制。

5.The last table in the join sequence, CUST_CUSTOMER, is also scanned through an index defined over the CUST_CODE column.联接序列中的最后一个表是CUST_CUSTOMER表,其也是通过CUST_CODE列上已定义的索引进行扫描。

6.This statement will retrieve only those CUST_INFO documents from CUSTOMER table which are vapdated against any of the registered schemas.这个语句仅从CUSTOMER表获取根据已注册模式验证的CUST_INFO文档。

7.It is joined to the result set of the last table in the join sequence, CUST_CUSTOMER.其在联接序列中联接最后一个表的结果集,即CUST_CUSTOMER。

8.In this case, the association information can be recorded by creating another table that stores the association PO_Cust.在此例中,可以通过创建另外一个存储关联PO_Cust的表来记录关联信息。

9.Information technology based on computer and network technology is cust not a supplementary means but a basic means in education.以计算机及网络技术为核心的信息技术在教育中的作用正从一种辅助手段跃升为基础手段。

10.The result of the above count query shows that there are about 588 quapfied rows from CUST_CUSTOMER.以上计数查询的结果是CUST_CUSTOMER表中有588行符合条件记录。