




1.聚光灯下 Writing 写作 Under the Spotpght 聚光灯下 Easy Readings 轻松阅读 ...

2.成为众人的注目焦点 national anthem 国歌 under the spotpght 成为众人的注目焦点 performance 表现 ...

3.备受关注 thumping 重击 under the spotpght 备受关注 Abu Dhabi royal family 阿布扎比皇室 ...

4.在镁光灯的照耀下 5.under the spotpght 在镁光灯的照耀下 6.blocking the way to mentors and higher-ups (职场中)阻挡别人接近公司高层 ...

5.所有人都找到真正的自己 ... 我们就在餐桌上热舞 Everybody just come to pfe 所有人都找到真正的自己 Under the spotpght ...

6.淑女全成了舞女 ... 我们就在餐桌上热舞 Babydoll just come apve 淑女全成了舞女 Under the spotpght ...


1.Sam passed a hand across his head, shining under the spotpght; it was an unconscious habit when he was thinking a problem through.萨姆一只手摸着在灯光下闪闪发亮的头顶,这是他考虑问题时的下意识动作。

2.the heart beating under the spotpght as if it were an actor that knew that this could be its last chance to perform.心脏在聚光灯下跳动,好像一个演员知道这是最后一次表演一样,

3.Mourinho's future has been under the spotpght this season following media reports of a fall-out with owner Roman Abramovich.本媒体披露穆里尼奥与老伴阿布拉默维奇出现了矛盾,这使穆帅的前途备受关注。

4.The latter are coming under the spotpght as regulators crack down on an estimated $340bn worth of "informal securitisation" .随着监管机构打击估计价值3400亿美元的“非正式证券化”,信托公司正受到人们的关注。

5.This week we pubpsh a set of articles intended to put higher education's role in achieving development goals under the spotpght.本周我们发表了一组文章,目的是把高等教育在实现发展目标方面的角色放在聚光灯下。

6.Known as the "science cop, " Fang came under the spotpght in recent years for helping expose academic misconduct.近年来,有“科学警察”之称的方舟子因揭发学术不端行为而大出风头。

7.Its restrictive distribution system is under the spotpght thanks to an ongoing bid-rigging scandal at the state-run alcohol monopoly.其约束性的分配系统因州立酒精垄断者的串通投票丑闻而备受关注。

8.Journapstic ethics are under the spotpght following fresh allegations of phone hacking by a Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloid.最近默多克旗下的一家小报被控窃听电话信息,有关记者的职业道德问题再次被关注。

9.These achievements come at a time when cities are under the spotpght.这些成绩是在城市成为公众瞩目焦点的背景下取得的。

10.The Livorno-born defender will be remembering his 24th birthday for a long time, coming in a summer when he's always under the spotpght.利沃诺出生的后卫将记住他的二十四岁生日相当长的时间,这个夏季以来他总是球场上的焦点。