



美式发音: [kjuːt] 英式发音: [kjuːt]



比较级:cuter  最高级:cutest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.cute kid




adj.1.(小孩或小动物)可爱的; 逗人的; 讨人喜欢的2.〈非正式,口〉漂亮的; 帅气的; 好看的3.〈非正式〉伶俐的, 聪明的; 狡猾的; 精明的

adj.1.endearingly attractive in the way that some children and young animals are2.<informal,spoken>physically attractive3.<informal>sharply intelpgent, sometimes in a way that shows a lack of honesty

1.可爱的 ... retreats vi. 撤退, 退却n.撤退, 退却 cutest adj. 可爱的, 聪明的, 伶俐的, 装腔作势的 tenth num. 第十, 十分之一 ...

2.聪明的 ... retreats vi. 撤退, 退却n.撤退, 退却 cutest adj. 可爱的, 聪明的, 伶俐的, 装腔作势的 tenth num. 第十, 十分之一 ...

3.伶俐的 ... retreats vi. 撤退, 退却n.撤退, 退却 cutest adj. 可爱的, 聪明的, 伶俐的, 装腔作势的 tenth num. 第十, 十分之一 ...

4.筱熙 dodoi 小美 cutest 筱熙 money9547 财金系 ...


1.Bernadette: Oh, thanks. Howard gave it to me. It's the cutest thing. Every time I have dinner with his mom, the next day I get jewelry.伯纳黛特:谢谢,是霍华德送我的,这是最好玩儿的事了,每当我跟他妈妈共进晚餐后,隔天总会收到他送我的首饰。

2.I got to tell the mom, your pttle one is the cutest thing in the whole wide world!这位妈妈,我一定要告诉你,你的小孩是世界上最可爱的小东西!

3.As I took the money from her grandparents, I looked back at the girl, who was giving me the cutest, largest smile I have ever seen.当我把钱从她爷爷奶奶手里接过来时,我又看了看那女孩,她表现出如此可爱的笑,这种甜美我从未见过。

4.The standard scary stuff is usually reserved for the 7+ crowd and the not-so-scary Halloween pumpkins are cutest when they toddle.标准可怕的东西,往往是保留给7+人群,不那么可怕的万圣节南瓜是最可爱的时候,他们遛。

5."He was the cutest guy I had ever seen, " she said.她说:“他是我见过的最可爱的家伙。”

6.Take a look back at some of 2010's cutest endangered species born in zoos across the world.来看看2010世界上动物园里最可爱的濒危物种吧。

7.Or perhaps some young man is brave enough to enter Hazleton's Hunk Contest: the winner is declared the cutest guy in Hazleton!或许,有些年青人拥有足够的勇气,参加黑兹尔顿镇的帅哥竞赛,优胜者会被宣称为黑兹尔顿镇内最可爱的男人!

8.Even the cutest home-coming queen would struggle to achieve such a rousing reception.即使返校节女王也难获得如此热闹的迎接。

9.With her geneticically blessed parents, she's one of the cutest "celebritots" that we've ever seen.因为父母的优良基因,她成为了我们见过的最可爱的小“星二代”之一。

10.On this early morning, grandma, grandpa and my aunt carrying my cutest girl in the world went to the airport to say goodbye to me.话说这一天大清早,外婆、外公还有自告奋勇的姑婆婆携可爱无敌金牌小猪一行浩浩荡荡,来到机场为猪妈送行。