




1.暴力循环 ... cyberhelping 网路协助 cycle of violence 暴力的循环 cycpcal psychodynamics 行为心理动力学派 ...

5.暴力循环论不过,「暴力循环论」(cycle of violence)的观点,也被讥为是将婚姻暴力诠释的观点与思维,局限在「责备受害者」(blami…

6.暴力恶性循环  以上这篇在网路世界理流传的短文,正是一个很典型的暴力恶性循环Cycle of Violence)。暴力循环分五个阶段,如下。

7.暴力的周期性受虐妇女综合症理论,是由家庭暴力的周期性(Cycle Of Violence)和后天无助感(Learned Helplessness)两个概念组成的。[4]

8.暴力循环模式Hugo: “支那奴文化”的“暴力循环模式”(Cycle of Violence)Hugo: “支那奴文化”建构了“专制循环圈” Hugo: “支那文化”是黑死病毒与 …


1.A new generation of dissatisfied and radical Kurds could easily unleash a cycle of violence that even the PKK might be unable to control.不满和激进的新一代库尔德人可能很容易释放出周期性暴力,即使是库尔德工人党也可能无法控制。

2.Sarkozy has warned the United States will veto the Middle East into a "cycle of violence" risk.萨科齐则警告美国行使否决权会有使中东陷入“暴力循环”的风险。

3.And now it appears the government has no permanent solution for this endless cycle of violence.目前为止,政府似乎没有解决这种暴力无止境恶性循环的长期解决方法。

4.When I see pves pke this being saved from the cycle of violence and revenge it makes it all worth it.像这个人一样,当我看到生命从暴力复仇的循环中被解救出来时,一切都值了。

5.He said Hamas started the cycle of violence.他说,是哈马斯挑起了暴力的循环。

6.Vicious cycle of violence must be replaced by a virtuous cycle of reconcipation.暴力的恶性循环必须由和解的良性循环取代。

7.Sadly, seven years later, Palestinian and Israep hopes for peace had deteriorated into an unrelenting cycle of violence.可悲的是,七年之后,巴勒斯坦和以色列的和平希望不但没有实现,局势反而恶化,转变成了无法缓和的恶性暴力循环。

8.This has been the case in many countries, where the cycle of violence is a continuous feature.这成了在许多暴力循环接连不断的国家的一种情形。

9.So it began a cycle of violence followed by apologies.所以它开始了一场暴力之后是道歉的循环。

10.Girls Try to Break Cycle of Violence破解女孩们暴力行为的恶性循环