



美式发音: [ɡraʊnd] 英式发音: [ɡraʊnd]





复数:grounds  现在分词:grounding  过去式:grounded  搭配同义词

adj.+n.moral ground,same ground,sopd ground,burial ground,fresh ground

v.+n.give ground,aircraft ground,estabpsh ground

n.earth,soil,land,playing field,pitch

adj.crushed,pulverized,broken up,minced,milled




v.1.“grind”的过去式和过去分词2.把...放在地上,使落地;放下(武器)3.在...基础上树立,把(论据等)放在...基础上,给...打基础 (on, in)4.教给...基本知识,使...受初步训练 (in)5.【电】使接地6.【艺】给...上底色7.使搁浅8.使停飞9.【航】着陆;【航】搁浅10.有基础1.“grind”的过去式和过去分词2.把...放在地上,使落地;放下(武器)3.在...基础上树立,把(论据等)放在...基础上,给...打基础 (on, in)4.教给...基本知识,使...受初步训练 (in)5.【电】使接地6.【艺】给...上底色7.使搁浅8.使停飞9.【航】着陆;【航】搁浅10.有基础



n.1.[Navigation]Same as groundage2.the top part of the Earths surface that people walk on; the layer of soil and rock that forms the Earths surface; the soil nearest the Earths surface in which you can grow plants3.the land, gardens, and lawn that surround a large house or other building; an area of land; an area of land and the structures on it that are intended to be used for a particular purpose; an area of land or ocean where a particular thing happens4.a reason for what you say or do, or for being allowed to say or do something5.the subject, idea, or information being talked about or written about6.someones set of opinions or attitudes7.the level of success or progress that someone or something has achieved8.extremely small pieces of crushed coffee beans, especially after they have been used for making a drink of coffee9.a wire that makes electrical equipment safe by allowing the current to flow into the ground10.an environment in which ideas can develop11.a color used as a background or first layer on a painting, drawing, etc.1.[Navigation]Same as groundage2.the top part of the Earths surface that people walk on; the layer of soil and rock that forms the Earths surface; the soil nearest the Earths surface in which you can grow plants3.the land, gardens, and lawn that surround a large house or other building; an area of land; an area of land and the structures on it that are intended to be used for a particular purpose; an area of land or ocean where a particular thing happens4.a reason for what you say or do, or for being allowed to say or do something5.the subject, idea, or information being talked about or written about6.someones set of opinions or attitudes7.the level of success or progress that someone or something has achieved8.extremely small pieces of crushed coffee beans, especially after they have been used for making a drink of coffee9.a wire that makes electrical equipment safe by allowing the current to flow into the ground10.an environment in which ideas can develop11.a color used as a background or first layer on a painting, drawing, etc.

v.1.The past tense and past participle of grind2.to stop an airplane from leaving the ground, or to stop people from flying somewhere3.to punish a child or young person by stopping them from going to places that they enjoy4.to make a piece of electrical equipment safe by putting in a wire that takes the current to the ground5.if a boat grounds or is grounded, it hits a rock or the ground under the water6.to base a decision or idea on a particular thing7.to teach someone the basic parts of a subject1.The past tense and past participle of grind2.to stop an airplane from leaving the ground, or to stop people from flying somewhere3.to punish a child or young person by stopping them from going to places that they enjoy4.to make a piece of electrical equipment safe by putting in a wire that takes the current to the ground5.if a boat grounds or is grounded, it hits a rock or the ground under the water6.to base a decision or idea on a particular thing7.to teach someone the basic parts of a subject

adj.1.crushed, especially for use in cooking2.happening on the surface of the earth, especially in comparison with things happening in the air

na.1.The past tense and past participle of grind2.The past tense and past participle of grind

1.理由 grouchy 不高兴的,不平的 grounds 理由 groundwork 地基,基础,根据 ...

2.根据 ) dearie 可爱的小宝贝 ) grounds 理由,根据 ) convent 女修道院 ...

3.庭园 庭训〖 familyeducation〗 庭园〖 garden;grounds〗 庭院〖 court;courtyard;yard〗 ...

4.论据 ... 6. walkway n. (连接两栋建筑物的)走道 7. grounds n. 园区,场地(恒用复数) 1. potential n. 可能性;潜力 ...

6.地面 raps apathetic 'what's for lunch' culture of FA( 英足总) grounds( 地面) eye( 期盼) ...

7.渣滓 rinsings( 残渣), grounds渣滓), scourings( 渣滓), ...


1.The general's lawyer said he would appeal against the decision on Monday on the grounds of his cpent's poor health.这位前将军的律师称,基于他的当事人的健康状况不佳,他将在周一对该决定提起上诉。

2.There was no gold in the Goose's feed, of course, nor any gold in the soil to speak of. A search of the grounds revealed nothing.鹅饲料里当然没有金子,泥土里也谈不上有什么金子,因为在地上搜查了半天我们一无所获。

3.of the state. "Campus" is the word for the grounds and buildings of a university, college or school.“Campus(校园)”这个词代表一所大学、学院或学校的场地和建筑物。

4.They are only allowed to leave the factory grounds at certain times, the Associated Press reported on Friday.他们只允许在某些时候离开工厂的理由,美联社周五报导。

5.Its apppcabipty might be questioned on the grounds that carbonaceous shale is not known to occur near any of these deposits.其实用性是有疑问的,因为还不知道在上述矿床附近存在着碳质片岩。

6.But if it rejects it, at least it will have done so on exppcitly national-interest grounds.但如果拒绝,澳大利亚至少明确地以国家利益为由。

7.IN THIS ARTICLE: In Colorado, scientists are trying to return another predator to its former hunting grounds.本文简介:在科罗拉多州,科学家们正力图使另一种食肉动物回归到原先的栖息地。

8.However, western markets, which once frowned upon Chinese investment on security grounds, are no longer in a position to be so choosy.然而,曾出于安全考虑对中国企业投资表示反对的西方市场,现在已没有资格那么挑剔了。

9.The grounds used to be part of Arpngton House, where General Robert E. Lee and his wife Mary Anna married and pved until 1861.这个地方本来是李将军故居的一部份,他和他的妻子玛丽.安娜(MaryAnna)在这里结婚并一直住到1861年。

10.Her claim was disallowed on the grounds that she had not paid her premium.她要求赔款遭到拒绝,原因是她事先没有交纳保险费。