


美式发音: [sɪst] 英式发音: [sɪst]



复数:cysts  同义词




1.囊肿;囊;包囊a growth containing pquid that forms in or on a person's or an animal's body and may need to be removed


n.1.a lump containing pquid that grows under your skin or inside your body

1.囊肿 纤毛(Pip) 芽孢(Spore) 胞囊(Cyst) 11 细菌细胞壁 细菌细胞壁 定义 是包围在细胞表 面,内侧紧贴细 胞膜的一层较为 坚韧、 …

4.孢囊 nodule 小节,小瘤,小结节 cyst 包囊,膀胱,囊肿 pus 脓,脓汁 ...

6.囊胞 囊胞(cyst)-内含液体或固体的肿大组织,通常是良性的。 分化(differentiate)-细胞逐渐成熟时所经历的一种过程。


1.Testicular epidermoid cyst is usually incidentally found during a physical check-up. It is an uncommon intratesticular benign tumor.睪丸表皮样囊肿通常由身体检查时意外发现,是一种不常见的睪丸内良性肿瘤。

2.Once in the brain, the parasite surrounds itself with a cyst, then seems to go dormant.一旦进入大脑,弓形虫就把自己包在一个包囊中,随后进入休眠期。

3.How much does the operation expenses of lobar cyst need probably? Still have the remedial method with effective other besides the operation?肺囊肿的手术费用大概需要多少?除了手术还有其它有效的治疗方法吗?。

4.Adrenal cyst is a rare disease entity, especially that of sufficient size to be detected cpnically.肾上腺囊肿是一种少见的疾病,尤其是大到引起临床症状而被发现者更是少数。

5.She knew the aspiration would tell him whether the peddle in her breast was a lump or just a cyst.她知道医生通过穿刺就会知道她胸部的硬块是肿瘤还是囊肿。

6.cyst also is trying to expand its business to hotels and scenic spots , which would strengthen its competitiveness.中青旅正在积极将其业务扩展到酒店和景点经营业,这将增强该公司的竞争力。

7.We report a case of a patient with a displaced intra-articular calcaneal fracture who presents with a large benign calcaneal bone cyst.我们报告一例患者的流离失所跟骨关节内骨折谁提出有大量良性跟骨骨囊肿。

8.CDFI showed that when urine sprung from ureter cyst to bladder and from ureter to cyst, the urine beam appeared to be clear.彩色多普勒血流显像显示喷尿的尿流束由囊肿向膀胱喷射和由输尿管向囊肿内喷射时的尿流束均能清楚显示。

9.Presented report deals with the case of a giant cyst of the left seminal vesicle with major diagnostic difficulties.提交报告涉及的情况下,巨大的囊肿左侧精囊与主要诊断的困难。

10.The differentiated cell gets out of the cyst through a dorsal small pore of cyst wall and becomes a morphologically normal cipate.细胞通过包囊壁背面小孔脱囊而出,恢复成为正常形态的纤毛虫;