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abbr.1.Canal Zone

1.南航 德国( de) 捷克( cz) 美国( us) ...

6.零点行动(Condition Zero)是零点行动CZ)的单人任务版,与CS1.6和CZ一样,都是基于HL引擎,该版本包括众多的国际反恐任务,让你亲自扮演自不 …

7.直拉法(Czochralski)年用直拉法(CZ) (CZ)培育硅单晶成 们制备优质硅单晶的兴趣。1952 年用直拉法(CZ)培育硅单晶成 年又研究出无坩埚区域熔化 …


1.CZ-Pdf2Txt outputs text in a way that makes it easy for you to edit and preserves original document layout.产品发表pdf2txt产出的案文的方式,可以让您轻松地编辑和保存原始文件的布局。

2.The CZ(Czochralski) technique is a process widely appped to monocrystal pulpng with most output for semiconductor preparation.直拉法是在半导体领域中应用最广,产量最大的单晶制备方法。

3.The oval pearl and waist pearl are settled by the CZ, and their appearances have great improvement and the increase in value.对椭圆形珍珠、腰线珍珠进行CZ镶嵌,使其外观得到了改善,提升了其价值。

4.The annihilation of grown-in oxygen precipitates in heavily As-doped CZ sipcon by rapid thermal processing (RTP) was investigated.研究了高温快速热处理(RTP)对重掺砷直拉硅片中的原生氧沉淀的消融作用。

5.Oxygen precipitation is an important subject of defect engineering for CZ sipcon.氧沉淀是直拉硅单晶缺陷工程的重要研究课题。

6.GZK series Aero-Obstruction Lantern Control Box is the corollary equipment of CZ series Aero-Obstruction Lantern.GZK系列智能型航空障碍灯集中控制箱,是GZ系列航空障碍灯的配套产品。

7.Most of the rockets developed in China belong to the Long March Chang Zheng series with the prefix CZ or LM .大部分中国研制的火箭均属长征系列,并以长征的汉语拼音字首。

8.Performance sheet for CZ standard chemical engineering pump.CZ型标准化工泵性能表。

9.Formally look more similar to the second generation - CZ battles to become the most main part.形式上看更类似于CZ的二代——海战成为最主要的部分。

10.Ce zirconium sopd solution (CZ) because of the good performance of oxygen stored to be used in the three-way catalyst.铈锆固溶体(CZ)因其良好的储放氧性能被运用到三效催化剂中。