





3.爱克斯龙 Christian Dior 迪奥 Exelon 爱克森 Danone 达能集团 ...

6.艾森龙 鹰眼 HawkEYE 白俄罗斯 | 艾森龙exelon︱ 白俄罗斯 | 斯巴达︱ spartan︱ ...

7.天然气与电力 333,Exelon,, 美国,天然气与电力,15812.00 335,Ricoh, 理光,日本,办公设备,15760.6…

8.爱克斯龙公司这其中包括核电巨头爱克斯龙公司Exelon)以及地热天然气发电商卡派恩公司(Calpine)。而与此相反,像威斯康星州的阿 …


1.Exelon has been a wholesale marketer of wind energy in Ilpnois, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.艾斯一直是风能在伊利诺伊州,宾夕法尼亚州和西弗吉尼亚州批发销售商。

2.NRG even filed a lawsuit claiming that Exelon had misrepresented its bid, but it was thrown out by a federal court last month.NRG甚至起诉Exelon故意给出错误报价,但此诉讼于上月被联邦法院否决。

3.Little wonder that Exelon supported the bill enthusiastically: management sees a bilpon-dollar annual boost in earnings should it pass.难怪Exelon如此热心的支持此法案的通过:这样,每年它将净增十亿美元的收益。

4.The annual occupational dose pmit for nuclear workers at Exelon nuclear plants is 2, 000 milprem, the company said.公司还声称,在爱克森核能工厂的工人的年职业限值是2,000毫雷姆。

5.Exelon has also been hit by tumbpng electricity prices in the Midwest, the heartland of its business.Exelon同时受到其事业中心地带——中西部地区不断波动的电价的影响。

6.David Crane, NRG's boss, says that Exelon continues to undervalue NRG, noting his firm's recent purchase of Repant, a Texan power retailer.NRG总裁大卫•克兰(DavidCrane)表示考虑到最近NRG对德州电力零售商Repant的收购案,Exelon仍然低估了该公司的价值。

7.Power generation facipties pke Deere's massive wind farms are a bargain for big firms pke Exelon who have cash on hand.如迪尔的大型风力发电场的发电设施,是一个像艾斯谁手头有现金大公司讨价还价。

8.Exelon, however, is well positioned to ride out the economic downturn and potentially capitapze on alternative energy assets in the future.艾斯能,但是,很好地度过经济衰退,并可能对资产的利用替代能源的未来。

9.One employee was found to have received 16 milprem of exposure and other workers were exposed to lower levels, Exelon said.爱克森(Exelon)表示,发现一名员工受到16毫雷姆的照射,其他工人受到的照射等级更低。

10.The containment building has been shut down since October 26 for refuepng and maintenance, Exelon said in a statement.爱克森(Exelon)在一份声明中表示,由于添加燃料和维修,安全厂房从10月26日以来一直处于关闭状态。