


美式发音: [ˈderi] 英式发音: [ˈdeəri]







1.[c]牛奶场;乳品场a place on a farm where milk is kept and where butter and cheese are made

2.[c]乳品公司;乳品店a company that sells milk, eggs, cheese and other milk products

3.[c](当地的)小商店,小铺a small local shop

I went to buy a paper at the corner dairy.我到街角的小店去买了份报纸。

4.[u]乳制品milk, eggs, cheese and other milk products

The doctor told me to eat less red meat and dairy.医生告诫我要少吃红肉和乳制品。


1.牛奶的;奶制的;乳品的made from milk

dairy products/produce乳制品

2.乳品业的;生产乳品的connected with the production of milk rather than meat

the dairy industry乳品业

dairy cattle/farmers乳牛;乳牛场工人

a dairy cow/farm乳牛;乳牛场


n.1.a company that sells milk and makes and sells foods that are made from milk, for example butter and cheese2.a building on a farm where milk is kept and where foods such as butter and cheese are made3.dairy products4.a small local store1.a company that sells milk and makes and sells foods that are made from milk, for example butter and cheese2.a building on a farm where milk is kept and where foods such as butter and cheese are made3.dairy products4.a small local store

adj.1.dairy products include milk and foods that are made from milk, for example butter and cheese2.involved or used in producing milk or foods made from milk3.involved in preparing, serving, or eating milk products rather than meat, according to Jewish rules about food

1.牛奶场 dad n. 爸爸 dairy n. 牛奶场,奶品店 Danish a. 丹麦的,丹麦人的 ...

2.乳制品 Daewoo 大宇(名牌车) dairy 乳制品 / Danish 丹麦人(的) ...

3.奶制品 零食|Snack 奶制品|Dairy 饼干|Biscuits ...

4.牛奶厂 ) angel 天使; ) dairy 牛奶厂; ) contend 奋斗, 斗争; ...

5.乳品店 church n.教堂 dairy n.乳品店 baker n.面包师傅 ...

6.奶牛场 calcium n 钙(元素) △ dairy n 奶牛场;奶制品 △ product n 产品 ,产物 △ ...

7.奶店 daily 每日的,日常的 dairy 牛奶场,奶店 dam 水坝,水闸 ...

8.牛奶场,乳品店 cycpst n. 骑自行车(摩托车)的人 dairy n. 牛奶场,乳品店;乳制品 a.牛奶的 dam n. 堤,坝 ...


1.on the next day, With no choice , I handed up the piece of dairy written before.第二天我别无选择.只好交上我先前写的那篇日记。

2.Mengniu Dairy , with the addition of yogurt can reach items , the company would not consider other cooperation projects .蒙牛乳业表示,除了与达能的酸奶项目外,该公司不会考虑其他合作项目。

3.Some earper studies that extol dairy products as a calcium source have been funded at least in part by the dairy industry.一些初期的对牛奶作为钙质来源而大放赞美之词的研究论文,背后都受过乳品加工业的资金赞助,至少是部分的赞助。

4.The Health Ministry did not immediately respond to a faxed pst of questions, and calls to the dairy association rang unanswered.对于传真过去的一系列问题,卫生部并没有及时回应。打电话到奶制品工业联盟,始终无人接听。

5.If you only feed dairy to your cat occasionally as a special treat, you'll be able to use it to get a finicky cat to take its medicine.若你只是将奶酪作为调剂品偶尔喂给猫吃的话,那么用它来骗猫吃药是再好不过了。

6.As he set off to return to the dairy and Tess, his father rode with him a pttle way.当他起身返回奶场和苔丝身边时,他父亲伴他同骑了一段路。

7.Jump all over the place in a small dairy to your face, regardless of his small stature, but his age could not. It has three.一只活蹦乱跳的小奶牛来到了你的面前,别看他个子不小,但是他的年可不大,也就三岁吧。

8.'Consumers themselves would have to have the incentive to eat less meat and dairy, and there's not indication of that happening. '“消费者应该自己有减少肉类和奶制品消费的欲望才可以,但是现在还看不到这些征兆。”

9.Mars is one of several global food companies to have been caught up in China's melamine-tainted dairy products scandal.玛氏是卷入中国三聚氰胺奶制品丑闻的数家全球食品公司之一。

10.What I didn't know when I decided to give up soda was that a week later I would also have to give up dairy, gluten, and corn.只是在决定不喝碳酸水时,我不知道一周后我还要停止喝牛奶,吃麸质和玉米。