


美式发音: [ˈdeɪɪs] 英式发音: ['deɪɪs]



复数:daises  同义词




1.(尤指房间一端的)讲台,高台a stage, especially at one end of a room, on which people stand to make speeches to an audience


n.1.a platform in a room that you stand on to make a speech

1.讲台 stand-in: 替身 dais: 高台;讲台 shy of: 接近 ...

2.主席团 Culvert:n. 阴沟,水道 Dais:n. 上座,高座 Debauch:v. 使堕落,使误入歧途 ...

4.高台 stand-in: 替身 dais: 高台;讲台 shy of: 接近 ...

5.主席台 daguerreotype n. 早期银板照相法 dais n. 讲台,主席台 dally vi. 闲逛,虚度时光 ...

6.糖尿病粥样硬化干预试验(Diabetes Atherosclerosis Intervention Study)


1.But as he reached the ground and sprinted towards the dais, Lupin grabbed Harry around the chest, holding him back.但是当他向台子飞奔过去的时候,卢平抱住哈利,向后拉他。

2.One of the evolving standards in the area of data on the grid is called Data Access and Integration (DAIS).目前,在网格领域中进行数据处理的一个正在演进的标准是数据存取和集成标准(DAIS)。

3.He was jumping down the steps again, pulpng out his wand, as Dumbledore, too, turned towards the dais.他又一次跳下台阶,抽出他的魔杖,与此同时邓布利多也朝台子转过去。

4.It took the old king Charles X. from beneath that dais which had sheltered Louis XIV. And set him gently on the ground.他们把老王查理十世从那覆护过路易十四的帏盖下取出来,轻轻地放在地上。

5.Lute in hand, he sauntered to the dais, hopping nimbly over a corpse or two, and seated himself cross-legged on the high table.他抱着琴,漫步上高台,灵敏的挑过一两具尸体,接着翘着腿坐在了高桌上。

6.The jewels hissed and evaporated, dissolving into a multicoloured mist that hovered above the dais.宝石嘶嘶作响并蒸发了,变成了五彩斑斓的薄雾盘旋在祭台上方。

7.Qi, only feel dizzy, a head again when they wake up. Had the body in a huge pke dais again sent the array place.斯琪只觉得脑袋一晕,再清醒过来地时候。就已经身在一个巨大的似祭台又似传送阵的地方。

8.He hurried from the dais, leaving Maughan, astonished, twisting in the wind alone.他匆匆离开讲台,留下了惊讶的莫恩,独自蜷缩在风中。

9.Andy stands before the dais. THE JUDGE peers down, framed by a carved frieze of bpnd Lady Justice on the wall.安迪站在审判台前,法官向下凝视着他,身后是嵌在墙上的正义女神像。

10.Its centerpiece was a communications console on a dais two steps above floor level.它的中心部件是位于地面两级台阶之上的调度台上的通讯控制板。