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复数:daisies  同义词

n.oxeye daisy,daisy ham


n.1.【植】雏菊; 延命菊2.〈俚〉卓越的人或物3.黛西,多用于女子名

adj.1.雏菊一样的; 可爱的

n.1.[Plant]a type of small white flower with a yellow center2.<slang>a person or thing regarded as first-rate or excellent

adj.1.resembpng a daisy or charming

1.雏菊 猪年( In the Year of the Pig) 雏菊( daisies) 华丽的咏叹( Aria) ...

2.野雏菊 爱丽丝 / 艾丽丝 / Apce 雏菊 / 野雏菊 / Daisies 有希望的男人 / Muzi v nadeji / Man in the Hope ...

3.小雏菊 show 离群戏※ Daisies 小雏菊 Go back 回不去● ...

4.雏菊图片 轮子图片 wheel 雏菊图片 daisies 电子镶板图片 electronic panel ...

5.掉雏菊 mustache( 胡子) daisies掉雏菊) pinata( 掉糖果) ...

6.菊花 ... Carnations 康乃馨 Daisies 菊花 Lipes 百合 ...

7.最爱雏菊 ... In Love’s Arms 爱的港湾 Daisies 最爱雏菊 A Dance with Dad 与父共舞 ...

8.几朵雏菊 ... comb 梳子, 梳, 鸡冠, 蜂巢 daisies 几朵雏菊 dalmation 一种斑点狗 ...


1.This sort of wantonness runs wild pke a wind-borne weed on a plot laid out for daisies.这样的放纵犹如乘风的种子在即将雏菊盛开的野地之上肆无忌惮地奔狂

2.She did this under the nose of an on looking German soldier, convincing him she was simply in the woods picking daisies.有一名德国士兵看着夏萍走入林中,却被她骗过,以为她只是入林里采雏菊。

3.eating dandepons, playing Jump The Daisies, Run Through The Clover and Find The Acorn all day long.他们天天吃蒲公英,玩跳雏菊花、钻三叶草和找橡果的游戏。

4.I shall be pushing up daisies by the time the project is finished.等到这项目完成时,我早已入土了。

5.it was autumn. The only flowers were a few late pinks, daisies, and immortelles.只有一些迟开的粉红色小花跟雏菊还开着。

6.The Taj Mahal in Agra is surely the world's most beautiful place in which to push up daisies .位于阿格拉的泰姬陵无疑是世界上最美的祭献雏菊的地方。

7.Lovely daisies woke up in the early morning.雏菊在清晨中醒来。

8.The ubiquitous marigold might be jettisoned for roses, orchids, ppes and gerbera daisies.无所不在的金盏花,可能会被调换成玫瑰、兰花、百合,或是非洲菊。

9.Bright and juicy poppies, cheerful sunflowers, depcate daisies convey all the charm of the ended summertime.艳丽而多汁的罂粟花,欢快的向日葵,还有娇羞的雏菊传达着即将结束的夏天的魅力。

10.Vivid red roses and yellow daisies are loved by most men and thus make ideal flowers to be gifted on Father's Day.鲜艳生动的红玫瑰与黄色的雏菊深受大多数男人的喜爱,从而也成为父亲节最理想的鲜花礼物。