



美式发音: [ˈdænsər] 英式发音: [ˈdɑːnsə(r)]



复数:dancers  搭配同义词

adj.+n.female dancer,male dancer

n.ballet dancer,ballerina,danseur,danseuse,prima ballerina



n.1.someone who dances, especially as their job

1.舞者 舞蹈艺术顾问: Frank Andersen 舞者 Dancers 排练者 Regisseurs ...

2.演舞者 歌玛( COEMAR) 演舞者( DANCERS) 第比斯( DBX) ...

3.舞蹈演员 酒保 Bartenders 舞蹈演员 Dancers 近期活动 / Upcoming Events ...

4.舞蹈家 Composer 作曲家 Dancers 舞蹈家 Fashion Designer 时装设计师 ...

5.舞蹈员 天空 Sky 177 舞蹈员 Dancers 178 看看会发生什么? See What Happens…



1.I was desperately trying to pick out the Brits but it was tough, there were at least a thousand dancers between me and them.我徒劳的找寻着英国选手的踪影,不过太困难了,在我跟他们之间至少有一千个演员在欢跃舞蹈。

2.Maybe not coolest, but certainly wettest, since the dancers were carrying umbrellas and trying to persuade a bus to stop.也许,伦敦不是最酷的,但肯定是最潮湿的,因为舞者打着伞,试图说服公共汽车停下来。

3.When one is seated far from the windows, one sees only the sky and, silhouetted against it, the faces of the dancers passing in succession.如果一个人坐得远离窗户,他只能看到天空,以及衬托其上,一对对依次走过舞伴的面庞。

4.To tell you the truth my dancing isn't good so I especially found a teacher and also had some dancers to match up with, it was very fun.其实老实说我跳舞真的不行,所以专门找了老师来恶补了一番,还有舞群来搭配,出来的效果还蛮好玩的。

5.No, she was just jumping around the stage pretending to sing with a lot of other musicians and dancers.不,她只是在舞台上跳跃着,然后和其他音乐人和舞者一起,假装在唱歌。

6.One favourite moment of mine was seeing the Korean dancers and drummers at the stadium, it was pke a real taste of home in Manchester.我最高兴的时刻就是在体育场里看到韩国舞者和乐手,这真是有回家的感觉。

7.Host seen standing only a few clouds between the sensational dance, pke a group of outstanding dancers pke aplomb.只见数只仙鹤站立行云之间,对舞煽情,宛如一群出色的舞蹈家般挥洒自如。

8.Then right across the dancers came the sound of the galloping of a horse, but no horse was to be seen, and he felt afraid.而此时此刻,却又一阵奔驰的马蹄声自舞者间疾奔了过去,但却看不见什么马匹。他不觉恐惧起来。

9.Every time to see some dancers on stage performing really well envy! Want to one day also be able to stand on stage . . .当每次看到一些舞者在舞台上的表演真的好羡慕!希望自己有朝一日也能够站上舞台…

10.Backstage with the modern dancers, Getting ready to go on, She showed me her spin, With a beauty pt from within.后台与现代舞者,准备好去,她给我看了她的旋转,随着从内部点燃的美丽。