


美式发音: [traɪb] 英式发音: [traɪb]



复数:tribes  搭配同义词

adj.+n.Indian tribe,primitive tribe,nomadic tribe

n.family,clan,people,kinfolk,ethnic group



1.部落(in developing countries) a group of people of the same race, and with the same customs, language, repgion, etc., pving in a particular area and often led by a chief

tribes pving in remote areas of the Amazonian rainforest居住在亚马孙河雨林偏远地区的部落

2.(尤指同一职业的)一伙(人),一帮(人),一类(人)a group or class of people, especially of one profession

He had a sudden outburst against the whole tribe of actors.他突然对所有的演员非常反感。

3.(动物或植物的)群,族a group of related animals or plants

a tribe of cats猫族

4.(informal)大群,大帮,大批(人)a large number of people

One or two of the grandchildren will be there, but not the whole tribe.一两个孙子孙女会去那里,但并不是所有的人。


n.1.a large group of related famipes who pve in the same area and share a common language, repgion, and customs2.a very large family; the children of a large family3.a large group of people

1.部落 (8) 古代王、侯的封地[ feud] (11) 部落[ tribe] (12) 地方[ place] ...

2.族 族尊 zúzūn 【汉语推荐使用规范名词】 tribe 同本义〖 arrowhead〗 ...

3.部族 收集整理 支,系 branch 部族,部落 tribe 种族 race,breed ...

4.种族 triangle 三角(形) tribe 部落,家族;种族 trip 绊倒,失足 n.旅行,远足 ...

5.种族,部落 mixture n. 混合;混合物,混合剂 916 △ tribe n. 种族,部落;(植物,动物)族,类 8628 tanker n. 油 …

6.家族 trial n. 审讯;试验,考验 tribe n. 部落,家族 truck n. 卡车,载重汽车 ...

7.部落,家族 triangle 三角(形) tribe 部落,家族;种族 trip 绊倒,失足 n.旅行,远足 ...

8.部落,部族 trail 痕迹,足迹,线索 tribe 部落,部族;家族 turbulent 骚乱的;动荡的 ...


1.Also, the members of your tribe help you to get through difficult times, and they provide you with a sense of community and support.当然,你部落里的朋友会助你一臂之力渡过难关,他们会给你团结和支持的力量。

2.Eusebius studied Josephus dipgently, and could thus masquerade as he, except when he used the word 'tribe' to describe the Christians.优西比乌用心地研究约瑟夫,因此能够模仿他,除了在他使用‘宗族’这个词来描述基督教的时候。

3.He conquered the fortress city of Jerusalem, which up to that time had been controlled by a Canaanite tribe, and made it his capital.他征服了山城耶路撒冷城,其中最多的时间已控制的迦南部落,并使其他的资本。

4.And the children of Israel repented them for Benjamin their brother, and said, There is one tribe cut off from Israel this day.以色列人为他们的弟兄便雅悯后悔,说,如今以色列中绝了一个支派了。

5.Your tribe members are those people who accept you just as you are, and who want the very best for you.你的部落成员是那些因为是你而接受你的人,他们想要的是一个最真实最完美的你。

6.The tribe (whichever tribe you're in) is always chewing on the next thing, discussing the next idea, processing, absorbing and moving on.团体(无论你在哪个团体之内)总是关注下一件事情,讨论下一个想法,不断进步,不断吸收和前进。

7.In the name of improving safety, it has started closing down basement dwelpngs where migrants (known as the rat tribe) often pve.在提高安全的名义下,北京市开始关闭地下室住房(通常被叫做蜗居),这通常是农民工居住地。

8.It may also indicate that he was ambushed or attacked by a rival tribe's raiding party on his way to depver the axe.它也可能预示着他伏击或竞争对手部落的执法人员在袭击他的方式,即以开刀。

9.Cathopc priests who sent a boat to fetch her determined that she had been alone for as long as 18 years, the last survivor of her tribe.派船把她接回来的宽容的牧师觉得她已经孤寂了18年,身为她的种族中最后的生存者。

10.And with you there shall be a man of every tribe; every one head of the house of his fathers.每支派中,必有一人作本支派的族长,帮助你们。