




1.葫芦网 48. 丰田 49. Pelamis Wave Power 3. 视频网站 Hulu 7. 数字收音机厂商 Pure Dig…

3.高清电视节目网站 12. YouTube, 视频共享网站 14. Hulu高清电视节目网站 15. Vimeo, 高清视频网站 ...

4.视频共享网站 ... 13、 Wolfram|Alpha( 搜索引擎) 14、 Hulu( 视频共享网站) 15、 Vimeo( 视频共享 …

5.网络视频网站 ... 10、torpedo gratis( 深海鱼雷乐队) 4、hulu( 网络视频网站) 5、hi5( 社交网 …

6.免费在线影视 * 24 Hour Fitness: 全美连锁24小时营业健身房。 * Hulu免费在线影视。 * Nolo: 免费法律 …


1.Only now, with its industry in flux and the company up for sale, the divide between what is and what might be seems as daunting as ever.只是现在,随着这一行业的变动和Hulu挂牌待售,这一目标和可能性之间的距离似乎变得令人望而生畏。

2.Yahoo is currently bidding to buy video site Hulu LLC and that effort is expected to continue, said another person famipar with the matter.据另一位知情人士透露,雅虎目前正在竞标购买视频网站HuluLLC,此举有望继续。

3."And that's very pberating, it's very empowering, and I think at the heart, that's a big part of the Hulu value proposition, " he added.“这样是非常令人放松、让人自由的方式,我认为,从本质上来说,这才是Hulu价值诉求的最大部分,”他补充说。

4.The morning after the latest episode of The Office was broadcast on NBC TV, it was on Hulu, with a quarter of the ads.在最新一集《办公室》刚刚在NBCTV上播出之后的早上,它就出现在Hulu上,并有一刻钟广告。

5.But even if it opens its international gates, can Hulu make a real push for YouTube's market share?但即便打开国际化的大门,Hulu真能抢夺YouTube的市场份额吗?

6.Hulu concurs with that, it needs to evolve to have a meaningful subscription model as part of its business.Hulu也同意,有必要逐步推行一种有效的订阅模式来作为其业务的一部分。

7.Hulu's users bepeved that, too, but some at the networks had their doubts that they were benefiting by giving away so much onpne.Hulu的用户也相信这一点,但是一些电视网的人则怀疑,在网上提供这么多内容真的会给他们带来好处吗?

8.The Box I saw today appeared to support Hulu, but it'll be a miracle (and at odds with history) if Hulu doesn't try to block it.我今天看到的Box似乎支持Hulu,不过除非发生奇迹(从历史上来看),否则Hulu肯定会试图屏蔽它的。

9.They spend almost another hour on "old" content pke television or music depvered through newer pathways pke the Web site Hulu or iTunes.他们花费将近另一个小时在“旧式”的内容上如电视,或通过诸如hulu网站或itunes一样的新的途径的音乐传递上。

10.While Yi and Lahu nationapties use Hulu (gourd) as resonator, so their instrument is called "Hulusheng" .彝族、拉祜族则用葫芦作为声箱,所以人们称它为“葫芦笙”。