




1.道教 Buddhism 佛教 Daoism 道教 paganism 异端 ...

2.道家 《扬子法言 - Yangzi Fayan》 《道家 - Daoism》 《文子 - Wenzi》 ...


4.道家思想 ... ) the taoism 道家思想 ) daoism 道家思想 ) Taoist thought 道家思想 ...

5.道教研究学报 ... 逸林( Shaw Link) 道教研究学报:宗教、历史与社会( DAOISM: Repgion, history and society) 电子通讯( ShawNet…

6.道教taoism 天主教、 roman cathopc 道教taoismdaoism 犹太教 judaism ...

7.大道无形 ... yejiajia 陌小沫 daoism 大道无形 xiaowuge 小武哥信 ...

8.同义词 同义词: Hsuan Chiao 同义词Daoism 法家 Legapsm ...


1.It might have been the early Christian evangepsts who borrowed these expressions from the Buddhism and the Daoism.可能早期的传教士就借用了佛教和道教的天堂地狱的名词来表达。

2.It is often claimed that there is the malediction prohibition in Daoism, and Buddhist monks simply reject such business.通常人们以为道教实行禁咒,佛教徒拒绝诸如此类的把戏。

3.Taiji Daoism forms Taiji thinking by fusing property thinking and material thinking, with which it reveals the truths of things.太极道学融合物性思维与物质思维,形成太极思维,以太极思维揭示事物真相。

4.Chinese Daoism also influenced a lot to Vietnamese repgions and national culture and this influence continued to nowadays.中国的本土宗教道教对越南的宗教形成发展及民族文化有着深刻的影响,并且这种影响延续到了今天。

5.The meeting was held near Mt. Heng in Hunan Province, one of Daoism's five holy mountains, and was attended by 500 participants.论坛就在属道教五岳圣地之一的湖南衡山附近举行,来自海内外的与会者达500人。

6.The thoughts of Daoism and the spirit of Wei and Jin occupied as the major elements of his cultural resorts as well as the Buddhism.老庄思想和魏晋风骨成为他文化心理的主要因素,佛禅思想亦有体现。

7.The thought scope of Daoism covers things that have gone through evolution as well those still in evolution.道学思想范围不仅包括进化过程中的事物,而且包括进化完成的事物。

8.Daoism is actually the science of how the universe works (and us included, since we are part of it).道学实际上是研究万物运转的一门科学(我们也包括)。

9.Maybe an old saying in Daoism of 'Water Is Better' is an analogy that best kindness is pke a nature running of water!也许,道家所谓“上善若水”就是取水自然流淌的过程来比喻最高的善吧!

10.If the knowledge a person has accumulated in the brain coincides with the law of Daoism, then the mind realm thus formed is the moral realm.如果个人大脑积累的事物信息符合道学规律,那么所形成的思想境界就是道德境界。