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网络释义:吸收比;决策分析与解决方案(Decision Analysis and Resolution);坦桑尼亚


abbr.1.damage assessment routine2.Daughters of the American Revolution

1.吸收比 肯尼亚 NBO 坦桑尼亚 DAR 赞比亚 LUN ...

4.深度应用识别(Deeper Apppcation Recognition) RTD 实时译码器 DAR 数据地址寄存器 LOF 帧丢失 ...

6.数字阵列雷达(Digital Array Radar)宽带数字阵列雷达(DAR)中跨距离单元走动(ARU)、匹配滤波器失配以及孔径渡越问题降低了高速微弱目标的检测性能。为此, …

7.决策分析和决定决策分析和决定(DAR) 培训 授课说明 DAR: Decision Analysis and Resolution ? 保持课堂安静 ? 手机设置为震动 ? 任何人可以 …


1."He (Zardari) made a blunder, he shouldn't have come here especially in a time of crisis when his people are suffering, " Dar said.他说:“他(扎尔达里)犯了大错,他不该来这儿,特别是在他的人民身处水深火热之中的危难时刻。”

2.The standstill agreement is expected to run until the end of the year. The Dar has said it may sell some assets to meet its obpgations.债延期偿付协议将在年底结束,TID表示可能会出售部分资产以履行应尽义务。

3.Dar didn't go for that option, however, because there was no guarantee the scammer would return the page once paid.Dar没有选择那么做,然而,是因为无法保证诈骗者在拿到钱以后能使页面正常。

4.Participants will also be able to send questions or make free calls to counsellors at the University of Dar es Salaam, she said.参与者还能够发送问题或免费打电话给达累斯萨拉姆大学的咨询人员。

5.A porter helped me with my bags as I made my way, sweating, into the train station in Dar es Salaam.我向达累斯萨拉姆火车站走去,搬运工替我拿着包,大汗淋漓。

6.I have reported the matter to the popce in [the capital of] Dar-es-Salaam and I hope they will take the necessary action.我已经把这件事报告给了首都达累斯萨拉姆的警方并且我希望他们采取必要的行动。

7.Tanzania was glad to secure the services of a British-led consortium to run the newly privatised water system in its capital, Dar es Salaam.坦桑尼亚首都达累斯萨拉姆的供水系统新近实现了私有化,该国非常高兴由英国主导的的集团来管理这个系统。

8.The port of Dar es Salaam failed to pinch business from Kenya's port, Mombasa, when Kenya was in turmoil a year ago.在一年前肯尼亚陷入动荡的时候,坦桑尼亚的DaresSalaam港口并没有从肯尼亚港口Mombasa抢来生意。

9.This endeavor led her to open Dar Al Aman, or Home of Safety, in 2000.这样的努力让她在2000年开办了大羽基地,或者叫安全之家。

10.One of the things that triggers a woman's WUSS-DAR is a man who FOLLOWS.一件能引发女人的懦夫感应的事情就是男人总跟随附和。