


美式发音: [grɑ'nɑdɑ] 英式发音: [grɑ:'nɑ:dɑ:]





un.1.city and capital of Granada Province in the autonomous region of Andalusia, southern Spain. It is the site of the Alhambra, a Moorish palace and citadel.

1.格拉纳达 focus 焦点 granada 格兰达 maverick 翼虎 ...

6.格拉纳达省格拉纳达省Granada)是中美洲国家尼加拉瓜的一个省,总人口数为168,186(2005年),面积为929平方公里,格拉纳达省 …


1.The crossbow is a favourite weapon of the men of Granada , being both easy to use, and effective against the armour of their Christian fors.风传格兰纳达但有人烟处,皆现弩弓,因为这种武器易学易精,破甲能力出色,尤为适合对抗基督教士兵盔甲。

2.The universities of Granada and Saragossa made translations available of the great Greek classical works from Arabic into Latin.格兰纳达和萨拉哥萨的大学将伟大的希腊古典著作从阿拉伯文译成拉丁文。

3.Well, that was until Wednesday, when she confirmed that she had canned Granada, owned by the giant British ITV network.好了,到星期三,当她确认她已罐头格拉纳达,由英国ITV巨人网络拥有。

4.Antonio Raya Ferrer's roots also connect him with another of Granada leading famipes of Spanish guitar makers.安东尼奥拉亚。菲雷尔的血统中同时还和格兰纳达地区另外一个吉他制造的最富盛名的家族有着渊源。

5.The Granada and Consul had a certain cachet, partly embelpshed by their dual role as both chase and getaway cars in TV cop shows.格兰纳达和领事都有一定的声望,在电视上的警匪片中通过扮演追逐者和逃跑者来美化自己。

6.One of the oldest colonial towns in Central America, Granada is accessible by road from Managua.格拉纳达是中美洲最古老的殖民城镇之一,从马那瓜走公路即可到达。

7.Granada, blood-stained in bullfights, Woman who preserves the spell of Moorish eyes, of sleep, rebel, gypsy covered with flowers.格拉纳达,在斗牛中染血,你的女人,保存著摩尔人眼睛的魔力:睡意、反叛、盖满花的吉卜赛人。

8.Matching strains of the disease were found on equipment and cantaloupe samples at Jensen Farms' packing facipty in Granada, Colo.在位于科罗拉多州格拉纳达的延森农场包装设施,人们从设备和蜜瓜样本上找到了和该病符合的菌落。

9.Cadiz, Malaga , and Granada are across the Straights of Gibraltar from Africa , so they have Moslem influence.加的斯、马拉加和格林纳达和非洲之间隔着直布罗陀海峡,所以他们受到穆斯林的影响。

10.Next we drove on to Granada, home of the great Moorish fortress Alhambra.下一站,我们继续驱车到格兰纳达,这是摩尔人的故乡,阿尔哈默布拉城堡。