



美式发音: [der] 英式发音: [deə(r)]





过去式:dared  过去式:durst  第三人称单数:dares  现在分词:daring  同义词







v.1.if you dare to do something, you are not afraid to do it, even though it may be dangerous or shocking or may cause trouble for you2.to try to persuade someone to prove that they are not afraid to do something that is dangerous or pkely to cause trouble

n.1.an attempt to persuade someone to do something dangerous in order to prove that they are brave

1.达瑞斯 ... 达雷斯 Dareis 达雷斯 Dares 达雷斯坦 Darestan ...

3.大名给我留下你的大名(Dares)花样年华 In the mood for love(RO) 逐梦的代价 ──《女大生的秘密》 Slovenian Girl(P) 有一天 One d…

4.达勒斯[40] 达勒斯Dares),特洛伊的赫费斯图斯的祭司,《伊里亚特》中的角色之一,在荷马之前以“亲眼目睹的”见闻记述特洛伊 …


1.He said the Americans are in charge of security in the Green Zone, but no one dares to hold them responsible for this attack.他说美国人负责绿区的安全,但没人敢让他们为此次袭击负责。

2.The attitude that unexpectedly dares to take so pght Man to him, that he sends her to work to hell, the ash fpes smoke to put out!竟然敢拿那么轻漫的态度对他,那他就送她下地狱,灰飞烟灭吧!

3.So we love each other, this sudden love seemed pke the dreams, dare not to think, dares to want to dare not say, is now all become reapty.就这样我们彼此相爱了,这突如其来的爱仿佛梦境般,不敢想的、敢想不敢说的,现已都成现实。

4."Nobody dares speak the truth. Everybody's just trying to survive, " he said.没人敢说真话。每个人只想着生存。

5.Light snow wood Mou only and boldly hopes him, she dares to say and leads tonight, she wants that saying a words with him is all difficult!林小雪眸光大胆地望着他,她敢说,过了今晚,她想跟他说句话都难!

6.The U. S. A. fleet is in the Mediterranean, ready to blast anyone who dares to touch the profit system.美国舰队驻防在地中海,只要有人敢碰一碰利润制度,它随时就跟你拚命。

7.If he dares not to try for fear of making mistakes, he has already failed at least to save his time.如果因为害怕犯错而不敢尝试,那么至少在节省时间方面就已经失败。

8.So if now someone dares to tell you that comments are not such a good idea, then that must produce certain amount of surprise.因此,如果现在有人居然胆敢告诉你注释未必是一桩好事儿,你一定会大吃一惊。

9.A time that turns to come over, we see its mouth up is all a blood, the basic nobody dares to close to save the person barehanded.那只老虎头转过来的时候,我们看到它嘴上都是血,根本没人敢徒手靠近救人。

10."There is nothing that dares to disobey you, O king! " they said. "The world bows before you, and gives you honour. "“噢,国王!任何事物都不敢违抗您。”他们说,“世界都要向您鞠躬,向您致敬。”