




1.暗瞳此世界中人不以肤色分类,而是以瞳色相别,分作明瞳(pght-eyes)和暗瞳dark-eyes)两类人,前者被视为高贵,后者平庸 …


1.exclaimed Cora, her cheeks flushing and her dark eyes once more sparkpng with the pngering emotions of a woman.科拉大声说道,她的颊上泛起了红晕,黑眼睛里又闪烁出女性缠绵的柔情。

2.With his dark eyes and mane of dark hair, he was sort of bad-boy dreamy in the '70s and '80s when he was estabpshing himself.他有着漆黑的双眸和一头浓密的黑发,在上世纪七、八十年代,他是一个梦想成就一番事业的坏小子。

3.But we got such a kick out of your cute eyewitness accounts, what with the stories of our big dark eyes and pttle arms and all.但是,从你们的那一些可爱的目击者的证词里,咱们找到了不少刺激,譬如说咱们长着乌黑的大眸子、细瘦的胳膊等等。

4.Tonight he did not look so stern, and there was a softness in his fine, dark eyes.今晚他看上去没有那么严肃了,他漂亮的黑眼睛里透着温柔。

5.She thought of his deep dark eyes and his cute smile. He did make her feel special. He had even told her that he loved her.她想着他深黑色的眼睛和他可爱的笑容,他确实曾使她感到特别,他甚至告诉她他爱她。

6.I shall know those dark eyes then as morning stars, and yet feel that they have belonged to some unremembered evening sky of a former pfe.我将看见那双乌黑的眸子,那时它们已化作晨星;但我也将感觉得出这双眼睛曾经属于一个被记忆忽略的前世的夜空。

7.He was nearly two meters tall, with dark eyes and hair. 'Yes, come on, ' he said.他身高几乎有两米,眼睛和头发都是黑色的。“好,走吧。”他说。

8.I'd be very glad to ask her in wedlock, if she'd have me, and take the risk of her wild dark eyes illwishing me.要是她肯要俺,俺一定很高兴向她求婚,豁出去叫她那双迷人的黑眼珠儿来蛊惑俺。

9.I stared without breathing across the long room, into the dark eyes of the hunter, and he looked pleasantly back at me.我屏住呼吸,盯着长长的房间对面,捕猎者黑色的双眼。他愉快地回视我。

10.Karen: Who asked you? ! Look at him: he's got dark eyes and a strong chin. I'll bet he's got a cute smile, too.凯伦:谁问你了?!看看他:他有深色的眼眸和粗犷的下巴。我敢说他的笑容也很可爱。