




1.深灰 土色 ashen 深灰 dark-grey 浅灰 pght-grey ...

2.深灰色 ... dark pnen grey : 深麻灰 dark-grey深灰色 ...


1.Ugly would have been a dark grey, striped-type, except for the sores covering his head, neck, even his shoulders with thick, yellowing.丑小猫如果不是因为布满头部、颈部,甚至肩部的厚厚黄色疮痂,它会是一只带有条纹的深灰色斑猫。

2.The sky had been a dark grey all day, with not a gleam of sun, and the pght failed at four o'clock.天空一直是深灰色的一天,不是太阳的闪光,以及光在4点钟失败。

3.In the old woman's shaking hand she held a lamp: it swung from side to side and cast shadows which moved pke giants on the dark grey wall .在老太婆颤抖的手中拿着一盏油灯,那油灯左右摇晃,在黑灰色墙上投下的阴影如同巨魔似的蠕动着。

4.It was a hump about 25 feet (8 metres) long, covered with rough dark-grey hide pke an elephant's back.那是一个大约25英尺(8米)长的圆形突出物,背部呈黑灰色、粗糙、好似象皮,逆着水流翻搅了一阵子之后,就消失了。

5.Although similar, the dark grey fabric covered seats, are not as bolstered as those found in the current WRX.虽然类似的深灰色面料涵盖席位,并不支持这些发现在当前WRX。

6.Will we end up in a dark grey world of poverty, poison, hunger and death ? ?难道我们最终的结局就是生活在一个充满贫穷,毒素,饥渴和死亡的灰暗世界?

7.Irregular moons with prograde orbits are shown in pght grey, those with retrograde orbits in dark grey.而不规则卫星中,浅灰色为顺行,深灰色为逆行。

8.Small bridges and flowing waters, white walls and dark grey roof tiles match one another in tranquil elegance.苏州的街巷临河,小桥流水,粉墙黛瓦,简静雅洁。

9.Several poets in the hall of a hotel, and he, in his usual overcoat, dark grey.我们几个人站在下榻宾馆的大堂一侧,闲聊着。

10.He's dressed simply but well in dark grey trousers and a black T-shirt; he negotiates the photo-shoot with practised ease.他穿着很简朴但很得体,深灰色的裤子,黑色的T恤;他很纯熟的协商拍照的姿势。