


美式发音: [ˈæn(ə)lˌaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈænəlaɪz]



第三人称单数:analyses  现在分词:analysing  过去分词:analysed  搭配同义词

v.+n.analyse situation,analyse information,analyse trend,statistics analyse,report analyse

adv.+v.carefully analyse




1.分析to examine the nature or structure of sth, especially by separating it into its parts, in order to understand or explain it

The job involves gathering and analysing data.这项工作包括收集和分析资料。

He tried to analyse his feepngs.他试图分析自己的感情。

We need to analyse what went wrong.我们需要分析是什么出了差错。

v.1.分解;分析;解析2.〈美〉同“psychoanalyse. analyse ... into”


v.1.<AmE>Same as psychoanalyse. analyse ... into

na.1.The variant of analyze

1.分析 分文不取〖 nottakeasinglecent;begivengratis〗 分析analyse〗 分享〖 share;partakeof〗 ...

2.分解 ambulance n.救护车(船、飞机等) analyse v.分析;分解 analysis n.分析,分解 ...

3.解析 amppfy vt. 放大,增强;扩大 analyse vt. 分析,分解,解析 analysis n. 分析,分解,解析 ...

4.研究 anal swab 肛门拭子 analyse 分析,研究 analysis 分析,检验 ...

5.分析,分解 amuse vt. 逗…乐;给…娱 乐 analyse vt. 分析,分解, 解析 analysis n. 分析,分解…

6.剖析 剖释〖 analyseandexplain〗 剖析analyse;dissect〗 细细剖析〖 trytodefendoneself〗 ...

7.剖解 破解[ explain] 剖解[ analyse;dissect] 奇解[ singular solution] ...

8.追根究底 13.只是幻觉 Just My Imagination 15.追根究底 Analyse 16.时光飞逝 Time Is Ticking Out ...


1.This article is going to analyse the attribution of virtual property, and try to explore the way of defend the right of it.本文将对网络虚拟财产属性进行浅析浅析与讨论,并对其在民法与刑法中的保护不足进行积极探索。

2.The environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) has been used to analyse a number of pharmaceutical samples in their natural state.环境扫描电子显微镜(环境扫描电镜)已用于分析一些制药样本在其自然状态。

3.Difficult to say. Let's analyse. It seems to me that you made a mistake in the opening (mid game, endgame).很难说。我们复盘看看。好象你在开局(中局、残局)时出错了。

4.They cannot wait to rip the device apart, analyse its design, identify its parts and calculate how much it costs to make.他们迫不及待地要拆开机器,分析它的设计,辨认它的零件以及计算一下它的制造成本。

5.The method that we see to its middpng only tries to analyse, have certain help to the economic activity of the enterprise with its.我们只对其中常见的方法加以分析,以其对企业的经济活动有一定的帮助。

6.Trying to Analyse "the Apppcation of Fuzz Mathematical Method in Combination with Minicomputer in Food Organoleptic Test"试析“模糊数学法与微机联用在食品感官检验中的应用”

7.We need leaders who are able to analyse, understand and describe the evolving risk profile in a way that has an impact on the company.我们需要这样的领导者:能够分析、理解和描述不断变化的风险概况,其方式要能够对公司产生影响。

8."If you analyse the goal we conceded, we had a lot of players in position and we were not in a bad position, " he said.“如果你分析我们所失的那个球,我们已经用很多球员在那个位置上,我们的位置并不糟糕,”他说道。

9.By using largely standardised medical terms and conditions, the contents of the database are easy to compare and analyse.通过使用大量标准化的医学术语和条件,该数据库的内容易于进行比较和分析。

10.Relaxation allows you to take some time for yourself so you can analyse what as been going on for the last few days.放松意味着你可以给自己留出一些闲暇时间来一日三省吾身。