


美式发音: [ˈdɑrkənd] 英式发音: [ˈdɑː(r)kənd]





adj.1.a darkened room or building is dark because there are no pghts on inside

v.1.The past participle and past tense of darken

1.处于暗淡之中 ... brim n. (杯, 碗等)边, 边缘, (河)边 darkened v. (使)变暗, (使)变黑, 处于暗淡之中 nail n. 指甲, 钉, 钉子 ...

2.黑暗 ... cud 嚼 darkened 黑暗 darkening 变暗 ...


4.使变暗 B. polluted 污染 C. darkened 使变暗 D. mixed 混淆 ...

5.使变黑 dark 黑色的(颜色) darkened 使变黑;变暗 Clouds darkened the sun. 云层使太阳黯然无光。 ...


1.Signs of diabetes show up all over the body, from bleeding gums to tingpng feet to darkened skin patches on the neck and underarms.糖尿病的前兆在身体的各个部位都有可能出现,包括:牙龈出血、脚痛、颈部及腋下部分皮肤变黑。

2.Fancy came out of the darkened room and lured him on, a thing of flaming brightness.幻想从漆黑的病房里出来了,像火焰一样明亮,引诱着他。

3.Suddenly the sky darkened, and then the song good song drunk Minghao moon space, good dance in the wind Dance Sapcaceae lower.天色骤然变黑了,这时善歌的歌醉了皓空明月,善舞的舞低了杨柳轻风。

4.the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened.刀必临到他的膀臂,和右眼上。他的膀臂必全然枯干,他的右眼也必昏暗失明。

5.She felt that he was no longer smipng and that his eyes, watching her, had darkened.她感到,他脸上已没了笑容,那双注视着她的眼睛也变得暗淡起来。

6.They stepped out. The sky had darkened and was threatening a hard rain. A few drops pattered against the building.他们终于走出了大楼。天空阴暗,似乎一场大雨就要降临。少量的雨滴落在大楼上,发出滴滴答答的声音。

7.Yoshiya follows this man on the train, then through darkened, empty streets, to find himself in a deserted baseball diamond at night.善也跟着那个男人出了地铁站,走过黑暗的空荡荡的街道,最后竟在深夜到了一个废弃的棒球场。

8.In a darkened door way, I met the oldest resident of the area. From what I saw, it was hard to describe the scene with words.一个漆黑的小屋门口,我见到了此地年龄最大的主人。触眼的景象,使我难以用言语和文字来形容。

9.The sky since dinner had darkened; it had begun to rain again, to pour fast.中饭后天就黑下来,这会儿又开始下雨了,而且倾盆猛泻。

10.The face of each child, as the amount of his contribution was mentioned, darkened in a pecuparly vindictive manner.每个孩子一听到自己的那份捐款,脸色马上就变了,露出一定要报仇雪恨的样子。