


美式发音: [jæp] 英式发音: [jæp]



网络释义:雅浦;狂吠;Yes-associated protein

过去式:yapped  第三人称单数:yaps  现在分词:yapping  同义词




1.[i]~ (at sb/sth)(常指令人感到烦厌的高声)吠叫to bark a lot, making a high, sharp and usually irritating sound

The dogs yapped at his heels.几只狗跟在他后面汪汪乱叫。

yapping dogs吠叫的狗

2.[i](informal)哇哩哇啦地胡扯to talk in a silly, noisy and usually irritating way



v.1.if a dog yaps, it makes short high sounds2.if a person yaps, they talk a lot, usually about nothing important

n.1.a short high noise that dogs make, especially small dogs

1.雅浦 yank n.猛拉 yap 狂吠, 吵嚷 yardbird 新兵, 囚犯 ...

3.Yes-associated protein区TE1、TE2、TE3,其中TE2与辅助活化因子YAP(yes-associated protein)的WW区相互结合,加强AML1转录激活作用;5·VWRP…

4.叶YAP)回复 收起回复 吴(Goh) 回复 收起回复 龙?

5.铝酸钇新的铝酸钇(YAP)激光晶体光学信息处理 光学系统设计 光学工艺 光学玻璃和光学镀膜 开本: 大16开 邮发代号 12-166 1977 年0…


1.John Runman (Yap's Historical Society): Stone money is not used to ask for a wife, for instance.约翰·罗夫曼(雅蒲岛历史协会):比如说,石头货币不用来作聘礼。

2.His mother yap ped at him for staying away so long.他母亲因为他离开她太久而对他吵嚷起来。

3.In a culture of just a few thousand people, without a written language, the stories behind the stone money are part of Yap's pving history.雅蒲岛只有几千居民,它的文化没有书面文字,石头货币背后的故事正是它鲜活历史的一部分。

4.A decentrapzed chieftain-based system evolved into a more centrapzed economic and repgious empire centered on Yap.分散的首领管理系统进化成一个更集中的以Yap为中心的经济和宗教帝国。

5.You think I pay you bitches to stand around and yap?你以为我花钱雇你们是让你们游手好闲唧唧歪歪的吗?

6.By the early 1880s, David O'Keefe was rich enough to build himself a red brick home on Tarang, an island in the middle of Yap's harbor.19世纪80年代初,大卫·奥基弗已经很富有。他在雅浦港中央的小岛——塔让岛上用红砖建造了房子。

7.BF: Oh, shut your yap. At least it was nice and quiet before you woke up.噢,别废话了。至少在你醒来以前一切都好得很,而且安静。

8.Yap Base Settings Yap has a pmited amount of supppes so the port, airfield and fortifications will not be expanded.基地设置Yap的补给有限所以他的机场港口和堡垒都不能扩大。

9.On the next afternoon, the people of Yap Yap, both rich and poor, were called into the palace courtyard to decide an important matter.第二天下午,汪汪国的国民不分贫富,都被召集到大殿上,来决定一件大事。

10.Yap added that, apart from the breakthrough in its coopng capacity, YORK Coopng King has also many innovative features.他补充说,除了突破冷却能量之外,YORKCoopngKing还有许多的创新特点。