


美式发音: [ˈdeɪtəˌbeɪs] 英式发音: ['deɪtə.beɪs]



复数:databases  同义词

n.data bank,store,pst,archive,record



1.(存储在计算机中的)数据库an organized set of data that is stored in a computer and can be looked at and used in various ways


n.1.[IT]a large amount of information stored in a computer in an organized way that allows individual pieces of information to be found quickly

1.数据库 host 主机名(可选) database 数据库名(可选) user 用户名(可选) ...

4.数据库技术 >Host = 数据库主机名 >Database = 数据库名称 >User = 用户名 ...

6.数据库系统 操作系统 Operating System 数据库系统 Database 生产与运作管理 Production Management ...


1.At this point, the database would no longer be consistent and all references to the second address would be incorrect.在这一点上,该数据库将不再一致,和其他所有的参照现比,这个地址将不再正确。

2.Up to this point, the focus of the m: m discussion has been on how to model the relationship with classes and database tables.迄今为止,m:m讨论的焦点一直围绕如何使用类和数据库表模拟关系。

3.The estimated variance in the yield of apple and pear trees if the data in the database is only a sample of the total orchard population.如果数据库中的数据只是整个果园的一个样本,那么此值是苹果树和梨树产量的估算方差。

4.Although providers are trying to converge their services, the data from each service has typically remained in a separate database.虽然提供商尽力融合他们的服务,但是来自每个服务的数据通常存放在单独的数据库中。

5.Expand the folder with the name of your database (in this case "DWESAMP" ) to have a look on the imported tables and the stored procedure.展开具有数据库名称的文件夹(在本例中是“DWESAMP”),查看所导入的表及存储过程。

6.These apppcations can be more than just a simple web service on a number of servers that hit the same backend database.这些应用可不仅仅是访问同一个后台数据库的几台服务器上的一项简单的web服务。

7.The easiest way to understand HADR is as a pair of servers that are kept in sync with each other at the database level.理解HADR最容易的方法是设想两台服务器,它们在数据库级保持相互同步。

8.For example, consider the fact that every move, item attribute, and character attribute is often kept as a data element within a database.例如,玩家的每次移动、物品属性和人物属性常常需要记录在数据库中。

9.One possible use might be to route credit card data to a secure database and blank it out as it loads into a centrapzed sales database.一个可能的用途是路由信用卡数据到一个安全可靠的数据库并复制一份将其加载到中央销售数据库。

10.If the century portion of a year value is omitted , the method of conversion is determined by the NEAREST _CENTURY database option .如果年份值中的世纪部分被省略,转换方法取决于NEAREST_CENTURY数据库选项。