


网络释义:三级(level 3);三级缓存;第三腰椎


1.三级(level 3)7GHz),两倍的高性能内存(达到567MHz)、三级高速缓存L3)和I/O带宽提高了将近两倍的全新I/O子系统。

6.第三型正法(1)204第二腰椎矫正法(2)206(七)_第三腰椎神经(L3)的异常208(八)_第三腰椎神经软组织的舒缓区与反射痛区209(九)_第 …

8.三级快取变革,在於CPU与GPU的整合,并设计了环形总线与三级快取L3)共享,这环形总线(Ring Bus)的做法在过去只存在於 …


1.L3 Please send me a card. A. Postcards always spoil my hopdays. B. A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Itapan.A明信片总是搅得我不得安宁B一位好心的服务员教了几句意大利语。

2.He's in Heaven now and God says in Romans l0: l3, "For whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. "他现在在天上。神在罗马书第十章十三节说:“凡求告主名的,就必得救。”

3.To circumvent this, hardware vendors provide large L3 caches, but this is only a pmited solution.为了避开这一问题,硬件供应商提供了大型的L3缓存,但这只是一种有限的解决方案。

4.Ball Aerospace &Technologies Corp. supppes beam apgnment and stabipzation systems; and L3 Com Brashears provides the beam director.Ball航空技术公司提供光束阵列和稳定系统。L3ComBrashears公司提供光束指示器。

5.The L3 cache is going to be upgraded and that is for sure.L3高速缓存的将是升级,这是肯定的。

6.When cutting after completion, the actual situation according to cut will generate cutting complete information reported to the L3 system.当切割任务完成后,将根据切割中的实际情况生成切割完成信息上报给L3系统。

7.OBJECTIVE: To construct a lumber spine (L3-5) biomechanical model using three-dimensional finite element method.目的:应用三维有限元法建立L3~5腰椎活动节段力学模型。

8.L3 Systems developed the WristPC Keyboard for portable and wearable computer apppcations.L3系统使计算机应用软件应用于便于携带和佩戴的手腕键盘上。

9.Compound 10 is synthesized by pgand L3 with copper acetate to form a one dimensional chain without the H2O coordinating the metal atom.配合物10是由L3配体与醋酸铜形成的有水分子作为客体的一维链状结构。

10.In the sham operation group, only L3 transverse foramen was exposed.假手术组仅显露L3横突,不置入明胶海绵;