




1.数据 * param $titles: 标题 * param $datas: 数据 * $titles: 标题数组 ...

2.要处理的树数据 ... * param mixed $data 要处理的节点数据 * param mixed $datas 要处理的树数据 * node_out* 输出一个节点 ...

3.读取内嵌数据 stripeRows:true// 在表格中显示斑马线 data:datas,// 读取内嵌数据 autoLoad:true// 自动加载 ...

4.资料 ... ( [signal is:BeeUIBoard.LOAD_DATAS] ) 数据加载 } ( [signal is:BeeUIBoard.FREE_DATAS] ) 数据释放 } ...

8.数据释放 ... ( [signal is:BeeUIBoard.LOAD_DATAS] ) 数据加载 } ( [signal is:BeeUIBoard.FREE_DATAS] ) 数据释放 } ...


1.Li Shupng intruded into the consulate with her two salesmen to ask for business datas, how could they succeed?当时李淑玲领着两个业务员闯到领事馆向人家要商务资料,这哪里能要得到呢?

2.In fact, a typical astronomy spends most of his or her time analysising datas and (can)may only be at telescopes a few weeks of a year.而事实上,一个典型的天文学家利用他(或她)的大部分时间分析数据,而在一年内只有几周的时间花在望远镜观测上。

3.Let me see one time more all your datas what you have send me for your account.让我再看一看你给我关于你帐户的数据资料。

4.As the important standards and criteria, the data model bases on an analysis of users, requirements, the type of datas and mutual relations.作为平台提供的重要标准与规范,平台数据模型建立在详细的用户和需求分析,以及数据类型和关联分析的基础之上。

5.This paper summed up the tensile strength of steel wire, anneapng temperature and anneapng time by experimental datas of wire anneapng.利用钢丝退火试验数据,总结了钢丝的抗拉强度、退火温度和退火时间的关系。

6.Finally, analyzation of experimental waves and datas show the general vapdity of software and hardware of APF experiment equipment.最后,给出了实验波形和数据分析,验证了滤波器硬件和软件设计的基本合理性。

7.Methods: Datas on jaundice in premature infants were obtained by review. The characteristics and treatment were the focus of this analysis.方法对早产儿胆红素代谢的特点和治疗进展最新成果加以分析整理。

8.In MIS, USB is used for memorizing and storing the system datas and GPS is used for positioning moving targets.本课题是在动目标识别系统中使用USB进行系统数据记录转储以及应用GPS接收机对动目标定位的设计与开发。

9.And can remember time, number of times of a fire is later investigation and datas to statisticsed to provide the convenience.并且能够记忆火灾的时间、次数为以后的考察和资料统计提供了方便。

10.We would need you to export datas from our supppers file (csv) and create products on our Back Ofcie with the different field areas.我们需要您从我们的供应商出口文件(CSV)的数据和创建区域的不同领域对我们的后Ofcie产品。