



美式发音: [ɪnˈfest] 英式发音: [ɪn'fest]



第三人称单数:infests  现在分词:infesting  过去式:infested  同义词




v.1.if animals or insects infest a place, there are very many of them in it, so that they might cause damage or disease2.to make a place or situation very unpleasant by being present in large numbers or quantities

1.绝命小魔星 ... v. 疫苗的,牛痘的 infested v. 骚扰,群居于,大批出没 pediatric a. 儿科的 ...

4.骚扰 ... v. 疫苗的,牛痘的 infested v. 骚扰,群居于,大批出没 pediatric a. 儿科的 ...

5.侵扰 spleen 脾脏 infested 出没;侵扰 deficit 赤字 ...

6.感染建筑 ... 第12关:唯我独尊( Supreme) 第13关:大感染Infested) 第14关:黑暗之手( Hand of Darkne…


1.The sea is increasingly used as a rubbish bin, filled with poisons, plastics and other pollutants. Parts of it are infested with pirates.海洋逐渐变成垃圾箱,用来倾倒毒物、塑料和其他污染物,有的海域受海盗侵扰。

2.He found a terran outpost that had been infested by unknown apen organisms.他发现人类前哨站已遭到未知外星生物旳感染。

3.And also a guy who beat up one of her friends in labour, guy whom she shall hang by the balls over a piranha -infested pool.例如当一个家伙痛打了她的一个怀孕中朋友时,她要去把这个家伙用气球吊在满是食人鱼的池塘上空。

4.The remainder is often unusable, infested with unpalatable weeds and able to support few cattle or goats.其馀土地多半荒废掉,长满无法食用的杂草,也供养不了几头牛羊。

5.Grimgor's Orcs drove deeper and deeper into the vermin-infested tunnels, coming close to the heart of the clan's underground kingdom.格里姆格的部队向着害鼠滋生的巷道深处步步推进,逼近鼠人地下王国的核心。

6.To the night before I was true to go, they began to talk about snakes that infested their gardens, so, I said I shan't go.直到我要出发的前一天晚上,他们开始聊他们花园里大量出没的蛇,所以,我说我不去了。

7.If it's been infested by moths or not kept out of sunpght, don't consider purchasing it.如果它受到虫蛀,或是经过阳光暴晒,就不要购买。

8.When infested you can experience severe itching all over the body , especially at night .当你能体验蝗灾严重全身发痒,尤其是在夜间。

9.The flea-infested room had to be sprayed with a strong pesticide.房间里有跳蚤,得喷强力杀虫剂。

10.The Gap also features the crocodile and snake infested Great Atrato Swamp, one of the last uncharted regions on the planet.地峡里还包括以鳄鱼和毒蛇而闻名的大阿特拉脱沼泽——地球上最后的未知区域之一。