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网络释义:美国残废退伍军人组织(Disabled American Veterans);茶米;版本管理


abbr.1.Disabled American Veterans

1.美国残废退伍军人组织(Disabled American Veterans)versight Council (JROC), Disabled American Veterans (DAV), Program Budget Decisions and other key forums– Presentatio…

2.茶米 ~.S:K&Il0 dauniapte 蒙脱石 )A|0 DAV 数据有效 go"d na M0 day output 日产量 ...

5.版本控制服务器使用分布式创作和版本控制 (DAV) 发布的协议和 FrontPage 没有服务器扩展 (FPSE)。已安装新版本的 OLE DB 提供程 …


1.If you were to include all the messages in an NSF in a single DAV table, it would not be effective for SQL access.如果将一个NSF文件中的全部消息都放在单个DAV表中,那么这对于SQL访问将是无效的。

2.When the DAV is ready to use, a checkmark will appear to the left of the DAV name in Designer, as shown in figure 7.当DAV可以使用时,在Designer中DAV名称的左侧将出现一个复选标记,如图7中所示。

3.The same fields that would be displayed in a view's columns must be created as entries in the DAV.要在视图列中显示的相同的字段,必须创建为DAV中的条目。

4.The Information and Advertising Division of the DAV is responsible for approving all promotion material prior to distribution.DAV的信息和广告司负责审核所有宣传材料分发之前负责。

5.Make sure that the All forms option is checked in the DAV properties box, as shown in figure 5.确保在DAV属性框中选中了Allforms选项。如图5所示。

6.It uses Distributed Authoring and Versioning (DAV) protocol to display and manage pubpc folder resources.它使用分布式创作和版本管理(DAV)协议来显示和管理公用文件夹资源。

7.Advertising materials should be registered with the Drug Administration of Vietnam (DAV), under the MOH.广告材料必须进行登记,与越南药品管理局(DAV)的,根据卫生部。

8.Use Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), Web DAV, or SharePoint Designer interfaces to access the Web site.使用简单对象访问协议(SOAP)、WebDAV或SharePointDesigner接口访问网站。

9.I quapfied for membership in the DAV related to skin cancer that I developed after daily exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam.在越南长时间的接触橙剂(一种化学武器),使我患上了皮肤癌。

10.The DAV must be referenced properly.必须正确引用DAV。