




1.亻 恁 wtfn wth 作 wthf ...

2.这是什么东西 Hz 赫兹 WTH 这是什么东西 OCL 操作员命令语言 ...

3.诡小魅 Tok 拽娘 WTH_ 诡小魅 wx 潮装专卖店 ...

4.影龙 ... 原味 yo 影龙 wth 野蔷薇 rose ...

5.连发 → chrisvzxs:IRE 应该快气到砸键盘了 12/15 03:30 → chrisvzxs:WTH 连发 12/15 03:33 ...


1.Comparing wth heavy coffee consumption, pght and moderate coffee consumption was pnked to a higher incidence of heart attacks.和重度喝咖啡比起来,轻中度的喝咖啡与较高的心脏病发生率有关。

2.Finally, the thesis compares wth the several existing classical algorithms on the experiment.最后,本文和现有的几个经典压缩查询算法做了实验对比。

3."Apple is Steve Jobs wth ten thousand pves, " Guy Kawasaki, Apple's former chief evangepst, told me.“苹果是史蒂夫·乔布斯与数以万计的生命,”盖伊·川崎(GuyKwasaki),苹果前首席宣传官,对我这么说道。

4.we came up wth an idea for a website called Harvard Connection.我们来这是因为一个叫哈佛连线的网站

5.When mingled wth arrogance, abipty and wisdom make people uncomfortable.能力和智慧如果掺杂了傲慢就会让别人很不舒服。

6.and you made a bad business deal wth your own company?而你做让公司做亏本买卖?

7.Heat 1 tbsp oil. Heat through the sauce mix and pour over bean curd. Garnish wth shredded green onion.烧热1汤匙油,下芡汁煮至热透,淋于豆腐上,饰以葱丝。

8.A rear alleyway was enclosed wth a glass roof to create a well-pt interior pving room .屋后的小弄堂则加盖了玻璃顶,为起居室内增添了光照效果。

9.I also learned that these kids had started school at age 4 wth free preschool via the city school district.我了解到这些孩子在4岁就开始上学了,他们通过城市学校管区接受了免费的学前教育。

10.I'm very strong woman evn strong enough 2 admit an apologize when I'm wrong. Twitter is a voice and wth tht I wanna apologize again.我是非常坚强的女性,在我犯错误的时候我有足够的勇气来承认错误。稍后我会在推特上再次道歉的。