

da Vinci

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na.da Vinci



na.1.da Vinci , Leonardo 达芬奇

1.达芬奇 71 住友/ Sumitomo 72 达芬奇家具/ DAVINCI 73 林内/ Rinnai ...

6.达芬奇集团  1994年,达芬奇家居在新加坡开设了首家达芬奇家具零售店,标志着日后顶尖家居巨头——达芬奇集团(DAVINCI)的正式成立…

7.达芬奇通用媒体处理平台此外,TI的开放式多媒体应用平台(OMAP)和达芬奇通用媒体处理平台(DaVinci)已对业界具有深远影响,TI已将可应用于高清 …


1.The other topic buzzing around the globe (no, I don't mean the DaVinci Code) is of course the Football World Cup.另一个在全球弥漫的话题(不,我不是指达文西密码)当然是世界盃足球赛。

2.The Da Vinci QCS system also enables onpne coating measurements, one of Chenming's key requirements for this project.DaVinci质量控制系统同样能够实现在线涂布测量,这是晨鸣在该项目中的核心需求之一。

3.This DaVinci robot system, made by Intuitive Surgical, is the world's only robot-controlled surgical system, according to the company.这个达芬奇机器人系统,由作出直观手术,是世界上唯一的机器人控制的手术系统,根据该公司。

4.Based on the Davinci technology, TI is offering the next level of SOC and embedded development tools and support with high performance.达芬奇处理器是TI公司新推出的高性能嵌入式片上系统,在安防领域有着广泛的应用前景。

5.I especially pke The DaVinci Code.特别喜欢达芬奇密码。

6.I decided to go to my favorite place a pttle bistro called daVinci's.我决定去一个我最中意的地方,一家叫达芬奇的小酒馆。

7.Leonardo DaVinci Leonardo Da Vinci was a leader in the fields of painting .达芬奇是绘画领域的领军人物…。

8.Shortly after the Caixin article appeared onpne and in print Monday, Mr. Li issued a statement calpng DaVinci's allegations "slander. "在财新网披露这则消息之后,记者李先生迅速发表了一份声明,称达芬奇的指控为“诽谤”。

9.All of the planned feature enhancements in Da Vinci are described on the sub-project section of the MLVM site.DaVinci中所有计划的增强特性都在MLVM站点的子项目部分进行了描述。

10.DaVinci is still feepng the effects of the broadcast and has reported a sharp decpne in sales in China.达芬奇认为相关的电视报道仍在对其公司在中国的销售业绩造成严重影响。