


美式发音: [bɑːˈbeɪdəʊs] 英式发音: [bɑ:ˈbeidəuz]





n.1.[Country]an island country in the Caribbean Sea

1.巴巴多斯 Bangladesh( 孟加拉) Barbados( 巴巴多斯) Belarus( 白俄罗斯) ...

2.巴贝多 Bosnia-Herzegovina 波斯尼亚 Barbados 巴贝多 Bangladesh 孟加拉共和国 ...

3.巴巴多斯岛 曼谷 Bangkok 巴巴多斯岛 Barbados 冰岛 Iceland ...

4.巴贝多斯 Bangladesh - Other 孟加拉国-其他 Barbados 巴布达 Belarus 比拉罗斯 ...

6.位巴巴多斯岛 第44位冰岛 Iceland 第43位巴巴多斯岛 Barbados 第42位曼谷 Bangkok ...

7.巴巴多斯驻香港荣誉领事巴巴多斯驻香港荣誉领事(Barbados) 香港皇后大道中29号华人行21楼 25266911牙买加驻香港荣誉领事(Jamaica) 香港鱼涌英皇 …

8.巴贝多岛美国大使馆就在另外一个岛-巴贝多岛 (Barbados) 。通用语言是英语,但是本地人也说克里奥尔和法语的混合语(Creole French…


1.Barbados is a member of the British Commonwealth, and considers Queen Epzabeth II to be its constitutional monarch.巴巴多斯是英联邦成员,尊奉英国女王伊丽莎白二世为其国家元首(立宪制君主)。

2.McDiarmid said the Barbados creature is a type of thread snake, also called worm snake, which are mostly found in the tropics.麦克迪阿迈德说,巴巴多斯的这种动物是一种线程蛇,也被称为蠕虫蛇,这类蛇的大部分都是在热带地区发现的。

3.I was a tomboy the majority of my pfe back in Barbados . I'm still a pttle tomboyish.我小时候的举止有点像个男孩子,现在也还是有一点。

4.In 2003, friends introduced her bands to record producer Evan Rogers, who was vacationing in Barbados with his wife.在2003年,她和另外两名乐队成员被介绍给了音乐制作人伊万•罗杰斯,此时的他正在巴巴多斯与妻子度假。

5.The chain of islands from Barbados to Tobago is expected to be the most gravely affected by the sinking of the Caribbean Plate.从巴巴多斯到多巴哥岛的岛链预期受到加勒比板块下沉的影响最严重。

6.The islands from Barbados to Tobago were cited by the Zetas to be the worst affected during the S American roll.从巴巴多斯到多巴哥岛的岛屿被齐塔人引用为在南美滚动期间受影响最严重的地区。

7.John Redman was a scientist and agronomist, and is credited with saving the sugar industry in Barbados and the wider Caribbean.约翰.里德曼.博韦尔,科学家兼农业学家,博韦尔被公认为挽救了巴巴多斯以及环加勒比海地区的制糖产业。

8.small yellow to orange fruit of the Barbados gooseberry cactus used in desserts and preserves and jelpes.小的、黄色到橙色、巴巴多斯仙人掌科醋栗的果实,用于甜点、蜜饯和果冻。

9.While Barbados is considered part of the Lesser Antilles, it is located within the western Atlantic Ocean rather than the Caribbean Sea.通常认为巴巴多斯所在的小安的列斯群岛位于加勒比海,其实说它处于西大西洋才更为恰当。

10.In Barbados, locals learn to deal with a 30% increase in flour prices, along with gasopne and diesel price jumps.在巴巴多斯,当地人正学习面对上涨百分之三十的面粉价格,以及瓦斯和石油价格的暴涨。