




1.日日夜夜 ... day after day 日复一日地 day and day 日日夜夜 deal with 对付,应付 ...

2.天天 ... day and night 日日夜夜 day and day 成天,天天 deal in 经营 ...

3.成天 ... day and night 日日夜夜 day and day 成天,天天 deal in 经营 ...

4.日子过去 ... Ranger 6 级 2012-02-23 day and day,Time Fpes Too Fast 一天又一天,时间过得太快了 ...


1.The service system is being perfected day and day, service content developed whole process and stereoscopically .招商服务体系不断完善,服务内容向全过程、立体化发展。

2.So, ordinary times where it is a good day and day, and obviously have arouses pity.如此,平素里便日日是好日,分分秒秒都惹人怜惜。

3.Day and day, no change in working.日复一日,没有任何变化。

4.I think it's better to have a picnic outside. It's getting warmer and warmer day and day.我想最好搞一次野餐,天气逐渐暖和起来了。

5.They work day and day.他们天天不停的工作。

6.How many dreams did we carry with us through this day and day?在我们这个时代里,到底抱有着多少的梦想?

7.Remember me when no more day and day,请记得我,当你不再日日对我诉说