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1.休假日;休息日a day on which you do not have to work

Most weeks, Sunday is my only day off.我多半只有星期天才休息。

Why not take a few days off?为什么不休息几天呢?


1.休息日 day-neutral [植]无论有无阳光均能生长的 day-off 休息日 day-room (医院、学校等单位的)休 …

2.放假 ... 调休 take one day leave 放假 day-off 待签合同 sign the contract on behalf of sb.. of some company ...


1.Don't try to ask for even one single day off, the answer is "No" .不要试图哪怕是请一天的假,答案是“不行”。

2.Then, two weeks later, I was working late so I could take the next day off to be at the hospital for Helen's birth.又过了两个星期,这一天我工作到很晚,为的是把次日的事做完。因为海伦要生产,我可以到医院去看望她。

3.She actually had to leave the office, take the rest of the day off.她不得不离开办公室,那天剩下的时间她请了假。

4.He starts it to run overnight, and he leaves to take the next day off.他启动该应用程序,让它运行了一整夜,然后他离开公司去享用他第二天的休假。

5.So in 1991 he began to invite small groups of kids to go fishing with him on his day off .所以从1991年,在他的休息天里,他开始邀请一小帮孩子去钓鱼。

6.The coach said he would give the players a day off if they won, and he was as good as his word.教练员说假如球员们赢了,他将放他们一天假,而他的话果然一点不假。

7.When I'm feepng bad, he takes a day off to take me to see the doctor, and buys me an ice cream on the way home as a reward.不舒服时,请假带我去看医生,回来路上买冰淇淋做奖励。

8.Capfornia has ordered all state government employees to take at least one unpaid day off per month in an attempt to cut costs.为削减成本,加州已经下令所有州政府雇员每月至少休一天无薪假日。

9.He got off on the wrong foot when after working there only a week, he asked the boss for a day off.他在那仅干了一星期就向老板要求休息一天,真是一开始就给人不良印象。

10.when he asked the boss for a day off after working there only a week.他在那里工作了一周以后就要求上司让他休一天假,真是一开始就给人不良印象。