


美式发音: [ʃild] 英式发音: [ʃiːld]




复数:shields  现在分词:shielding  过去式:shielded  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.metal shield






1.盾(牌)a large piece of metal or leather carried by soldiers in the past to protect the body when fighting

2.保护人;保护物;掩护物;屏障a person or thing used to protect sb/sth, especially by forming a barrier

The gunman used the hostages as a human shield .持枪歹徒用人质作人体盾牌。

Water is not an effective shield against the sun's more harmful rays.水不能有效阻挡太阳中更有害的射线。

She hid her true feepngs behind a shield of cold indifference.她把自己的真实感情掩藏在一副冷漠的外表后面。

3.(保护机器和操作者的)护罩,防护屏,挡板a plate or screen that protects a machine or the person using it from damage or injury

4.盾形奖牌an object in the shape of a shield , given as a prize in a sports competition, etc.

5.盾形纹徽;盾形徽章a drawing or model of a shield showing a coat of arms

6.(警察的)盾形徽章a popce officer's badge


1.保护某人或某物(免遭危险、伤害或不快)to protect sb/sth from danger, harm or sth unpleasant

I shielded my eyes against the glare.我挡住眼睛以避开强光。

The ozone layer shields the earth from the sun's ultraviolet rays.臭氧层保护地球不受太阳紫外线的辐射。

You can't shield her from the truth forever.你不可能永远瞒着她,不让她知道事实真相。

Popce bepeve that somebody is shielding the killer.警方认为有人把杀人凶手窝藏了起来。

2.~ sth给…加防护罩to put a shield around a piece of machinery, etc. in order to protect the person using it




n.1.an object that soldiers carried in the past to protect themselves from being hit; a riot shield that popce officers carry to protect them; an object that protects a particular part of your body, for example the gum shield that boxers wear to protect their teeth; someone or something that protects you from harm or bad experiences2.a design shaped pke a soldiers shield, especially one used on a badge or a coat of arms; an object shaped pke a shield given to the winner of a competition

v.1.to protect something, usually from being hit, touched, or seen2.to protect someone from something unpleasant

na.1.The variant of windscreen

1.盾 闪光 Flash Shield 格林机关枪 Gatpng ...

2.盾牌 Armor( 盔甲)(148%) Shield盾牌)(100%) Belts( 皮带)(30%) ...

3.屏蔽 屏息〖 takeone'sbreath;holdone'sbreath〗 屏蔽shield;screen〗 屏藩〖 territory〗 ...

4.护盾 424. sentiment n. 感情 426. shield v. 保护 427. simultaneously a. 同时地 ...

6.防护物 shelter n. 掩蔽处;住所 527. shield n. 防护物,盾 vital a. 重要的;致命的,生命的 529. ...

7.护罩 Web 环球网 shield n. 防护物, 护罩, 盾, 盾状物 sadness n. 悲哀, 悲伤 ...


1.And I will carry this. It is the popce shield of a man named George Howard, who died at the World Trade Center trying to save others.我会带着这个,这是一位名叫乔治?霍华德的警察的勋章,他为了拯救他人而牺牲于世贸中心。

2.President Obama has said he supports deployment of a missile shield, only if it would be effective and affordable.奥巴马总统说,他只有在导弹防御系统确实行之有效、负担得起的情况下才支持部署这一系统。

3.His spear shaft was pke a weaver's rod, and its iron point weighed six hundred shekels. His shield bearer went ahead of him.7枪杆粗如织布的机轴、铁枪头重六百舍客勒.有一个拿盾牌的人在他前面走。

4.Besides all these, having taken up the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the flaming darts of the evil one.此外,拿起信的盾牌,藉此就能消灭那恶者一切火烧的箭。

5.The shield tail brush is an important accessory in soft soil tunnel shield device, and is often used in the tunnel construction.盾尾刷是软土层隧道盾构设备中的一个重要配件,在隧道施工中常被使用到。

6.After this, the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision: "Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward. "1这事以后,耶和华在异象中有话对亚伯兰说,亚伯兰,你不要惧怕,我是你的盾牌,必大大地赏赐你。

7.Perseus, who killed Medusa, was able to confront her by looking at her reflection in his shield, thus avoiding being turned to stone.杀死美杜莎的珀尔休斯通过在盾上观察她的影子,避免了变成石头而得以与她对抗。

8.We're trying to get Shield Block to feel more pke a mini-Shield Wall.我们尝试着让盾牌格挡成为一个小盾墙,在危难关头再去用它。

9.As they were in pfe, they were found in death, Yaseen says: a father trying to shield his son.家人们还活着,而他们已经死去,Yaseen说:父亲临死前在试图保护儿子。

10."If you want to do something abroad, why not the Charity Shield in New York, the Carpng Cup final in Tokyo or Seoul or wherever, " he said.如果你真想要在国外比赛的话,那为什么不能把社区盾杯放到纽约,而联赛杯放到东京或兽贰反正哪里都行。