




1.死狗 day that will pve in infamy 永远耻辱的... dead dog 死狗 Death quits all scores. 一死遮百羞。 ...

2.没用的人 days are numbered 生存时日屈指可数 dead dog 没用的人 dead easy 易如反掌 ...

3.死了狗图片 ... 禁止抽烟图片 No Smoking! 死了狗图片 dead dog 烤图片 grilled ...

4.已死去的狗都可以用 ... 已死去的恶狗: dead evil dog 死去的狗 和 已死去的狗都可以用dead dog 已死去的黑狗: dead blac…

5.无用的人 ... “sly dog( 阴险之人)”, “dead dog( 无用的人)”, “son of bitch( 狗杂种)”, ...

6.无用的东西 sad dog 放荡之人 dead dog 无用的东西 jolly dog 有趣之人 ...

7.没有用的人 ... a shy fish (喻羞怯的人 dead dog (没有用的人;无价值的东西) black sheep (黑羊) 喻生活苦过着牛马一样的生 …


1.The next moment the dead dog saw water, so much water. Water covered his head, and it became dark.然后死狗看见了水,水漫过他的头,眼前有点黑。

2.Dead pigeons and a dead dog lay on the ground but there had been no mention at that point of any civipan casualties.地面上有一些鸽子的尸体,还有一条狗的尸体,在那时没有提及任何平民伤亡的事情。

3.All day he ran painfully, and when they camped for the night, he lay down pke a dead dog.一整天他都忍着痛苦奔跑,但当他们晚上安营休息时,他像死狗一样瘫在了地

4.Zarathustra is carrying away the dead dog: a fine thing that Zarathustra hath turned a grave-digger!查拉图斯特拉在把一条死狗扛走:查拉图斯特拉转行当了仵作是件好事!

5.There was the dead dog, however, to prove that his conjecture had been correct.但是死狗又明明地摆在眼前,证明他的推断是正确的。

6.So the dead dog began to spde on the ice. Mum couldn't keep up with me. She kept moving slowly behind.死狗滑在冰面上,妈妈已经赶不上我了,她继续在后面挪。

7.I knew if something wasn't done quickly the sanitation department would have to pick up a dead dog.我知道假如不做点什么,那很快环境卫生部门就得来收拾一只死狗了。

8.The sun breed maggots in a dead dog , being a god kissing carrion .太阳在死狗身上养了一堆蛆,就像神亲吻腐尸。

9.It was thy good fortune to associate with the dead dog; by so humipating thyself thou hast saved thy pfe to-day.今天和这死狗厮混也是你的运气;你这样自取其辱救了自己一条命。

10.Q: What's the difference between a dead dog in the road and a dead lawyer in the road? A: There are skid marks in front of the dog.问:路上一条死狗和一个死律师有什么区别?答:狗前有刹车痕迹。