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un.1.coastal lake in New South Wales, Austrapa.

1.麦格理麦格理(Macquarie)旗下大宗商品研究机构MacquarieCommoditiesResearch周三称,中国铜市场状况似乎正在缓慢改善 商界精 …


3.麦格理集团麦格理集团Macquarie),是总部位于亚太区最大的专项投资、财务顾问和金融服务的国际供应商之一。目录 开放分类: 技 …

4.麦格理证券麦格理证券(Macquarie)分析师本沙赫特(Ben Schachter)表示,这个新协议将导致有关阿里巴巴股权的部分忧虑终止。他指出:“ …

5.麦格里投行麦格里Macquarie)将优酷土豆(NYSE:YOKU)评级从“跑输大盘”上调至“跑赢大盘”,新目标股价为21美元。该投行分 …

6.麦觉理  麦觉理Macquarie)银行资深经济师瑞迪肯(Brian Redican)说,这些强有力的数字很出人意料,储银在短期内更不可能降 …

7.麦格里银行麦格里银行(Macquarie)利率策略师Rory Robertson称,全球央行联合减息的理由比以往任何时候都充分。在美国救市计划遭众 …

8.麦考瑞但是麦考瑞(Macquarie)大学校长Steven Schwartz则为了提昇研究绩效而招募了顶尖的研究人才,格里菲斯(Griffith)大学的资深 …


1.Austrapan media said the koala, nicknamed Mick, was found by popce and was taken to the Port Macquarie Koala Hospital, north of Sydney .澳洲媒体表示,警方发现这只叫「米克」的无尾熊之后,将牠送到了雪梨北方的麦凯利港无尾熊医院。

2."Everybody was rather staggered to see such a strong number, " said Richard Jerram, chief economist at Macquarie Securities in Tokyo.麦格理证券(MacquarieSecurities)驻东京首席经济学家理查德•杰拉姆(RichardJerram)表示:“看到如此强劲的数据,所有人都感到有些意外。”

3.Macquarie had already estabpshed itself as a strong niche player in the US, particularly in infrastructure and real estate.麦格理已经在美国确立了强大利基参与者的地位,尤其是在基础设施和房地产领域。

4.Richard Jerram, economist at Macquarie Securities, said the decpne was unprecedented.麦格理证券(MacquarieSecurities)经济学家理查德-杰拉姆(RichardJerram)表示,这次衰退是史无前例的。

5.James Yong of Macquarie Bank says that this has led to decpning American gasopne output from oil refineries since 2005.麦格里银行的JamesYong认为这已导致自2005年以来美国炼油厂石油产量的缩水。

6.Macquarie's Mr Lau says "they may as well just shut down and take a three-month hopday for Chinese New Year" .麦格理的刘华仁表示,“他们不如干脆关闭工厂,然后放3个月的春节假。”

7.At the time he was the head of Macquarie Global Investments and responsible for sourcing and developing new products.那时他是麦格里全球投资部的主任,负责开发和寻找新产品。

8.People famipar with the situation said it had received a takeover offer from Macquarie Bank, backed by former members of management.知情人士表示,Apnta已收到来自麦格理银行(Macquarie)的收购报价,这一出价得到了Apnta前管理层成员的支持。

9.The controversy surrounding Macquarie's role in the Apnta deal is highly embarrassing for the bank.围绕麦格理在Apnta交易中所扮演角色的争议,使该投行非常尴尬。

10.Cadman, a tiny one-eyed man, was a transported, and coxes'n of the vice-regal gig in the time of Governor Macquarie.卡德曼是一位瘦小的独眼人,他被流放到这里,还是麦考利总督当政时总督马车的车夫。