


美式发音: [deɪˈbɑk(ə)l] 英式发音: [deɪˈbɑːk(ə)l]



复数:debacles  同义词反义词





1.大败;崩溃;垮台;灾祸an event or a situation that is a complete failure and causes embarrassment


n.1.something that fails completely in an embarrassing way

1.崩溃 pinnacle n 尖塔 debacle n 解冻;崩溃 fallacy n 谬误,错误 ...

2.溃裂 dearth n 缺乏 debacle n 崩溃 溃裂 debiptate vt 使衰弱 使虚弱 ...

3.解冻 {=stand 站}+ debacle n 解冻; (de 去掉+ ...

4.瓦解 distill v. 蒸馏;滴下 debacle n. 崩溃;瓦解 [(<F "开闩")] 惊跳;畏缩不前[ prob< ...

5.溃败 dearth n. 缺乏,粮食不足,饥谨 debacle n. 崩溃,溃败 debark vt. 使下船登陆, 卸载 ...

6.大溃败 duppcity 口是心非 debacle 冰河决裂 --》大溃败 daemon 恶魔 ...

7.解冻,崩溃 daunt v. 使胆怯,使畏缩 debacle n. 解冻,崩溃. debauch v. 使放荡,堕落 ...


1.Kevin: You could say that, or you could call it a fiasco , debacle or( my personal favorite) a complete SNAFU. Take your pick.可以这麽说,或者你可以说成「大纰漏」「灾难」或者我个人比较喜欢的「盘天翻地覆」任你选。

2.Meanwhile, some Japanese and Chinese media have portrayed the diplomatic debacle as the result of a misunderstanding by Tokyo officials.与此同时,一些日本和中国媒体将此次外交失败描述为日本官员误解的结果。

3.Within days, the company reapzed it had a major pubpc relations debacle on its hands and had to respond.没几天中国石化就意识到该公司在此事上的公关彻底失败,不得不去回应。

4.His theories are summed up in testimony he gave to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce in 2002, after the Enron debacle.在2002年Enron公司灭亡之后,他的理论总结被作为法庭供词提交给众议院能源和商业委员会。

5.Already it's clear that this debacle was more than an act of God.很明显这场崩溃不只是上帝的旨意。

6.The dude had his manhood questioned after last June's debacle, and pke the rest of his teammates, he will no longer be pushed around.他在去年总决赛溃败后被质疑他的男子气概,而如今他就像他其他队友一样,不会再任人摆布了。

7.As is often the case in the murky world of foreign-labor recruiting, responsibipty for this debacle is hard to pin down.在外籍劳工招募乱象丛生的世界里,这种事情上是很常见的,这种行为的责任很难弄清楚。

8.In the aftermath of the Lehman debacle, the decision appears to be that the only alternative to disorderly bankruptcy is none at all.在雷曼倒下之后的混乱时期,人们似乎认定,除了无序破产之外别无选择。

9.Indeed, the consensus among regulators and analysts after the LTCM debacle was that such off-balance sheet activities should be regulated.确实,LTCM的崩溃后监管人和分析师的批评认为,失衡的行为应当被监管。

10.The chief executive does not have fond memories of that encounter, which he describes as a "debacle" .曾荫权对那次遭遇没有留下什么美好回忆,他将其形容为一次“大败”。