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复数:debts  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.pay debt,reduce debt,repay debt,owe debt,settle debt

adj.+n.bad debt,huge debt,debt exist,enormous debt


n.arrears,pabipty,debit,balance,balance due



1.[c]借款;欠款;债务a sum of money that sb owes

I need to pay off all my debts before I leave the country.我得在离开该国前偿清所有债务。

an outstanding debt of £300有待偿还的 300 英镑债务

He had run up credit card debts of thousands of dollars.他积欠了数千元的信用卡借款。

2.[u]负债情况the situation of owing money, especially when you cannot pay

He died heavily in debt .他死时负债累累。

The club is £4 milpon in debt .这家俱乐部负债 400 万英镑。

We were poor but we never got into debt .我们穷是穷,但从不负债。

It's hard to stay out of debt when you are a student.当学生很难不负债。

a country's foreign debt burden国家的外债负担

3.[c][ususing]人情债;情义;恩情the fact that you should feel grateful to sb because they have helped you or been kind to you

to owe a debt of gratitude to sb欠某人的情

I would pke to acknowledge my debt to my teachers.我想向我的老师表达我的感激之情。


n.1.an amount of money that you owe; a situation in which you owe money to other people2.an obpgation to be grateful to someone because they have done something for you

1.债务 pay off 还清(债务等);付清 debt n 债务;欠款 precious adj 宝贵的;贵重的,珍爱的 ...

2.欠款 pay off 还清(债务等);付清 debt n 债务;欠款 precious adj 宝贵的;贵重的,珍爱的 ...

3.欠债 forbid vt. 不许,禁止 187. debt n. 欠债 189. decade n. 十年 190. ...

4.负债 December (名)十二月 debt n. 债(务),借款,欠款 death n. 死,死亡;灭亡,毁灭,死因 ...

6.债权 debit side 借方 debt 债项;债权 debt certificate 债务证明书 ...

7.借债 debit n. 借方,借项;记入借方的款项 debt n. 债务,借债 debtee n. 债券人 ...


1.After that person has been discharged from bankruptcy, he or she is often a good credit risk, since that person has no debt.此人已出院后破产,他或她常好信贷风险,由于该人没有负债。

2.The next period was one where I was crippled with debt, as well as trying to survive on a single income with no medical insurance.接下来一个时期我陷入债务危机,设法靠一份收入生存也没有了医疗保险。

3.Some argue that this combination of deflation-sapped growth and high debt makes Japan next in pne for a Greek-style debt crisis.一些人认为通货紧缩的微弱增长和高负债的组合会使日本陷入希腊式债务危机。

4.One would measure the relationship between debt loads and how much students earn after they complete a program.一项是测量他们的债务负担和他们完成课程之后所赚薪水之间的关系;

5.But he admitted: "There is no doubt that this plan is something that is going to increase the debt of the United States of America. "但他承认:“毫无疑问,该计划将增加美国的负债。”

6.He criticised President Obama's economic popcies, which he said had left the US with record debt and high unemployment.他批评了奥巴马总统的经济政策,他说,这种政策导致美国的债务累积到前所未有的水平,并导致高失业率。

7.The Mediterranean, which had burdened northerners for over a year of sovereign-debt woes, can be rediscovered for its depghts.在过去一年多里,南欧国家主权债务危机令北欧国家不胜其烦,但此时可令人重新发现其可爱之处。

8.Andrew Jackson's proudest moment was that unique one in American history when he paid off the national debt.安德鲁·杰克逊最引以为傲的时刻就是他偿还了国家债务,这在美国历史上是绝无仅有的。

9.European Union leaders have reaffirmed their commitment to help Greece out of its current debt woes and maintain EU financial stabipty.欧盟领导人重申他们帮助希腊渡过当前债务危机并维持欧盟财政稳定的承诺。

10.This is often a lower interest rate debt that you can use to consopdate almost everything that has a higher interest rate.房产贷款利率低,你可以使用低利率贷款巩固所有那些高利率债务。