


美式发音: [meɪd] 英式发音: [meɪd]








v.1.The past tense and past participle of make

adj.1.accepted as a member in a criminal organization

1.制造 lots of 许多 58. made 制作 59. magic 有魔力的 60. ...

3.制造日期 )Made制造日期 )Purchasing date: 购买日期 ...

4.做 去 went made 吃 ate ...

5.做的过去式 eye - body part we see with 眼睛 made - past tense of make 做的过去式 tale - a story 故事 ...

6.已制成的 already ad. 已经 55 made a. 已制成的,成功的,创造的; vbl. 做, 造成,安排 56 ...

7.做成燕麦饮:现在市道上有将燕麦做成(Made)罐装的燕麦饮,尽量(As much as possible)选购无糖分的,才不会(Will not)吃进过多 …



1.The gatekeepers at each gate did not need to leave their posts, because their fellow Levites made the preparations for them.守门的看守各门,不用离开他们的职事,因为他们的弟兄利未人给他们预备祭物。

2.So Joshua burned Ai and made it a permanent heap of ruins, a desolate place to this day.约书亚将艾城焚烧,使城永为高堆,荒场,直到今日;

3.Major economies -- including the U. S. , China, the European Union and Brazil -- made such pledges in the lead-up to Copenhagen.哥本哈根会议召开前,美国、中国、欧盟和巴西等主要经济体已经做出了这种自愿承诺。

4.The president made him a general. His mother named him Tommy.总统任命他为将官。

5.If changes are made to the tunnel after it has been built, it may be necessary to make a fan revision.在风洞建成以后,如果要进行修改,那么风扇也可能要更新。

6.The human body was made to move around and since we don't do that, we end up with a long pst of these 'pfestyle' health problems.人的身体天生需要活动,因为我们老是不动,最后就会出现一长串的“办公室不良生活方式”导致的健康问题。

7.He stretched out his hand desperately as if to snatch only a wisp of air, to save a fragment of the spot that she had made lovely for him.他绝望地伸出手去,仿佛只想抓住一缕轻烟,从那个因为她而使他认为是最可爱的地方留下一个碎片。

8.Dozens of chief executives came to see history being made and to be seen on the right side of it. But Copenhagen was a flop.本来期待本次峰会能够在限制温室气体排放上达成新的规范,并且许多企业高管都看到了创造历史的可能性和其积极的一面,可哥本哈根峰会却以惨败收场。

9.If I had brains I would have splashed water on the bow all day and drying, it would have made salt, he thought.如果我有头脑,我会整天把海水瓶在船头上,等它干了就会有盐了,他想。

10.Later, he said it was the most difficult decision he made as president.这之后,他说这是他担任总统以来做的最难的决定。