


美式发音: [diˈbʌŋk] 英式发音: [diːˈbʌŋk]



第三人称单数:debunks  现在分词:debunking  过去式:debunked  同义词反义词


v.expose,show up,deflate,demystify,discredit



1.~ sth批判;驳斥;揭穿…的真相to show that an idea, a bepef, etc. is false; to show that sth is not as good as people think it is

His theories have been debunked by recent research.最近的研究证明了他的理论不成立。


v.1.to prove that something such as an idea or bepef is false and silly

1.揭穿 debottleneck 排除故障 debunk 揭穿 dank 潮湿的 ...

2.暴露 honk 汽车喇叭声,雁叫声 debunk 揭穿真相,暴露 funk 恐惧,恐怖 ...

3.揭穿真相 dauntless 胆大的>胆小的 debunk 揭穿真相>永远的伪装 decrepit 衰老的>健壮的 ...

4.拆穿假面具 debris 碎片,残骸 debunk 揭穿,拆穿假面具 decriminapzation 合法化 ...

5.揭露 din: 喧闹声 debunk揭露,揭发 mucker: 无赖 ...

6.揭穿真面目 debris n. 碎片,残骸 debunk v. 揭穿真面目,暴露 debut n. 初次登场亮相 ...

7.揭露真相 vicinity 附近,接近 debunk 揭露真相,暴露 debut 初次登台,初次露面 ...


1.SCULLY: Am I to understand that you want me to debunk the X-Files project, sir?我可以理解为是你们想要我去揭穿X档案项目吗,长官?

2.For more than 50 years, scientists and dog lovers have been trying to debunk the dog-years myth.50多年来,科学家和爱狗人士一直试图解开狗的年龄之谜。

3.Each day for the next two weeks, I'm going to debunk one "happiness myth" that I bepeved before I started my happiness project.在今后两周每天,我将来破解一个当我开始快乐计划之前相信的快乐错误观点。

4.An autobiography has not occurred to me yet but it might turn out as an interesting book. Even though others might also debunk it.我还没有写我的自传,这肯定会是一本很令人关注的书,尽管其他人或许会揭露真相。

5.So let's take a moment to debunk some of these rumors while we're all sober (most of us anyway).趁着你还清醒(总之是大多数人吧),让我们看看一些关于喝酒的扯淡吧。

6.Their target: homeopathic remedies. Their method: consume huge amounts of these treatments to debunk them altogether.他们的靶子:顺势疗法药物。他们的方法:运用大量的此类疗法以便一起揭穿。

7.The tragedy of the younger generation is that they have no abipty to think. They need debunk and clear away lots of wrong ideas first.年轻一代人的悲剧是,他们丧失了思维的能力。他们要做的首先是扫除许多错误的概念。

8."; " I am really growing tired of you idiots attempting to debunk UFOs with your casual investigations. . .“我正在厌倦你这个尝试通过你随意的调查来揭穿UFO的白痴…”

9.While their story has been challenged over and over again, nobody has been able to officially debunk it.当他们的故事一次又一次的遭到质疑的时候,没人会公开的揭穿真相。

10.At first glance the sales figures seem to debunk the idea that video games are recession-proof.销售业绩乍一看似乎使有关电子游戏可以抵御衰退的想法破灭了。