


美式发音: [mɜrθ] 英式发音: [mɜː(r)θ]








1.欢乐;欢笑happiness, fun and the sound of people laughing

The performance produced much mirth among the audience.这场演出使观众笑声不断。


n.1.happy laughter

1.欢笑 maudpn:adj. 感情脆弱的n.脆弱的感情 21。 mirth:n. 欢笑, 高兴 23。 flush:n. 奔流, 晕红, 激动, 24。 ...

2.高兴 mirage n 奇景,海市蜃楼 mirth n 欢乐,高兴 admire v 羡慕;赞美 ...

3.欢乐 mirage n 奇景,海市蜃楼 mirth n 欢乐,高兴 admire v 羡慕;赞美 ...

4.欢笑,高兴 Industriousness n. 勤奋 Mirth n. 欢笑,高兴 be attach to 迷上,不可分割的 ...

5.欢乐术 ... 第一层)、排除障碍( Remove Obstacle, 第二层)、欢乐术Mirth, 第三层,提升道德…

6.欢乐,欢笑 mosque“ 莫斯科” 清真寺 mirth“ 没事” 欢乐,欢笑 miser“ 埋着” 守财奴,吝啬鬼 ...

7.高兴的 orison 祈祷 mirth 高兴的 blear 模糊 ...

8.欢笑声 exponential 指数的 mirth 欢笑声 semantic 语义的 ...


1.A score of men, for this was the very thickest of the ambush, joined in this cruel and untimely mirth.有二十个人--因为这儿是埋伏人数最多的一处--参加了这个残忍的不合时宜的作乐活动。

2.Spread on a certain school way full mirth and fragrance of flower. Yes, we are very always ready to smile that day.某条校道上铺满了欢笑和花香。是的,那天我们很爱笑。

3.He threw his entire attention upon his work, now, as if determined not to be put down by the mirth.于是他集中全副精力来干这桩事情,似乎是下了决心,不因大家的嬉笑而泄气。

4.There was laughter-the merry mirth of kids out on a lark, having no care at all what consequences their actions might have.伴随而来的是一阵哄笑,那群幸灾乐祸的小子根本对后果不管不顾。

5.He ventured among them again, however, though his spirits certainly did not seem fit for the mirth of the party in general.可他还是大胆地来了,虽然他的情绪同众人的欢乐气氛似乎很不协调。

6.The mirth was something of his own and he had no love burning for her there.那是他自身的愉快,而没有热恋她的迫切愿望。

7.Her mirth disarms and it is she who teaches us to laugh at rogues and fools, whom but for her we might be so weak as to despise and hate.是她教会我们嘲笑流氓和笨蛋,如果没有她,我们大概都会软弱起来,只能去蔑视、仇恨这些人。

8.Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful; and the end of that mirth is heaviness.人在喜笑中,心也忧愁。快乐至极,就生愁苦。

9.Banter is a poetry form of mirth to make pght of the happenstance of the day. Banter is associated with dragon lore dreamtime.欢唱是一种欢乐的诗歌形式,用以创造一天的光之偶发事件,欢唱是在龙之奥义的梦想时间发生的。

10.This increased the mirth of the company, and Margaret was eagerly pressed to say something more.众人一听更乐了,非逼着玛格丽特再透点口风不可。