


adj. 衰退, 腐烂, 颓坏动词decay的现在分词形式


Decaying with relatively short lifetime. Used of subatomic particles.


A mixture of decaying organic matter, as from leaves and manure, used to improve soil structure and provide nutrients.


The room stank of decaying fish.


Dark, fertile soil containing decaying vegetable matter.



名词: decayer | 动词过去式: decayed | 动词过去分词: decayed | 动词现在分词: decaying | 动词第三人称单数: decays |



名词: decayer | 动词过去式: decayed | 动词过去分词: decayed | 动词现在分词: decaying | 动词第三人称单数: decays |


动词 decay:

lose a stored charge, magnetic flux, or current

同义词:disintegrate, decay, decompose

fall into decay or ruin

同义词:decay, crumble, delapidate

undergo decay or decomposition



1. Therefore we do not lose heart; but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day.


2. HU Zhi-jian,ZHANG Cheng-xue,CHEN Yun-ping,et al.Study on protective algorithm for elimination of decaying aperiodic component[J].Power System Technology,2001,25(3) :7-11.


3. SU Wen-hui,LI Gang.An Improved Full-wave Fourier Algorithm for Filtrating Decaying DC Component.Automation of Electric Power Systems,2002,26(23):42-44.


4. Well, a carefully embalmed body may be less shocking than a mangled or decaying corpse, but a corpse is still a corpse, no matter what cosmetics are used.


5. A decaying rat corpse is laying half submerged in a frozen puddle.


6. Not only can vermin arise from decaying matter but that lice can originate form sweat.


7. But it also releases the soul in time by decaying the body to which it is tied, freeing the soul to return to the Supernal World with the memories of all its bodily experiences.


8. But the cities and characters they portray very much retain the habits of the revolutionary era.Even when they rebel, the object of their rebellion is well-defined: The decaying status quo.


9. And we predict that compared with scalar $ar qq$ mesons, the probability of a scalar glueball decaying into multi-hadron final states should be remarkably increased.


10. The Bourbon Kingdom still was looking for an outlet for expansion and the decaying Ottoman Empire looked like just the place.


11. In relation to this, the philosophy of a healthy epoch affirms life, whereas the philosophy of a decaying epoch denies life.


12. The method bosically inhibited the pericarp browning with the pulp mold growing,badening and decaying, kept fruits with fine flavour, and prolonged the storage life and shelflife.


13. In keeping with China's free-market ideology, the government intends to demolish the workers' decaying village and replace it with an upscale housing development.


14. Are principally found in soils and decaying vegetation.


15. Any of various fungi (see fungus) in the order Lycoperdales of the class Basidiomycetes, found in soil or on decaying wood in grassy areas and woods.


16. One might wonder if these particles could reach the detection apparatus before decaying.


17. Follow developing and decaying storms from the first strike to the last.


18. From the facts, we deduced that the Empire was decaying.


19. He should not have said 'contemporary literature.' He should have said 'most of the recent literature,' especially after the 1980's. Chinese literature is decaying slowly.


20. He is also said to be buried in a jade coffin, which purportedly can prevent the corpse from decaying.


21. The reality was decaying, dingy cities where underfed people shuffled to and fro in leaky shoes, in patched-up nineteenth-century houses that smelt always of cabbage and bad lavatories.


22. They tramped gayly along, over decaying logs, through tangled underbrush, among solemn monarchs of the forest, hung from their crowns to the ground with a drooping regalia of grape-vines.


23. They are scavengers, which feed on dung and other decaying organic matter, and play an invaluable role in keeping the veld clean.


24. They are manufacturing intense magnetic fields in the hopes of detecting microwave signals of an axion decaying into a single, real photon.


25. They believe that the humic materials are leached from decaying plant materials.


26. India also must stop the spread of AIDS, he says, and protect its environment, which is decaying fast as the economy heats up.


27. By using the methods of lower solution and supper solution, the main results are obtained as follows:the equation exists positive decaying entire solutions under proper conditions.


28. A voltage source of even exponential decaying pulse is applied to a loaded transmission line.


29. A family of small soft-bodied insects that feed on decaying vegetation,related to booklice.


30. The prospectus talks of redeveloping the decaying port area, and of at last cleansing Guanabara Bay of sewage and industrial pollution.


31. Many young readers, inspired by the democratic ideas of this novel, rose against the decaying feudal system and embarked on the road of revolution.


32. An avowed urbanist, Mr.Berggruen started investing in projects aimed at reviving decaying inner cities.


33. But once onboard the eerie, cavernous ship, the crew of the Arctic Warrior discovers that the decaying vessel is anything but deserted.


34. Now, however, new paint and a bit of creativity have turned old pigsties, decaying walls, and plain stone benches into items of beauty as well.


35. Explained by Gautama Buddha, he also stated that there is no intermediary between mankind and the divine; distant gods and God are subjected to karma themselves in decaying heavens.


36. to act as a source of decaying material


37. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else.


38. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else...


39. Any of various gram - negative, rod - shaped, mostly aerobic flagellated bacteria of the phylum Pseudomonad, commonly found in soil, water, and decaying matter and including some plant and animal pathogens.


40. Any of various gram-negative,rod-shaped,mostly aerobic flagellated bacteria of the phylum Pseudomonad,commonly found in soil,water,and decaying matter and including some plant and animal pathogens.


41. The decaying DC component in the sampling signal will bring errors to the full-wave Fourier algorithm,which is derived with periodic signal.


42. The loss of memory of how to consciously dieis perhaps one of the patterns that most deeply saddens me, as it causes somuch more suffering due to old age and failing, decaying bodies.


43. In doing so they can cause serious damage to timber by tunnelling into standing trees, freshly felled logs or wet, decaying timber.


44. The rest was a shell of decaying walls and rusted tin roofs at the mercy of lizards.


45. In 100 million years or so Phobos will likely be shattered by stress caused by the relentless tidal forces, the debris forming a decaying ring around Mars.


46. Duff: Decaying leaves and branches covering a forestfloor.


47. You must brush your teeth carefully and gargle more often to prevent your tooth from decaying.


48. For almost a century, researchers have thought that the Y chromosome, with far fewer genes than the X, was decaying.


49. A decaying tooth, a lame foot, such is the trust put in the ungodly on the day of trouble.


50. Upon being escorted by his attenant Channa, he came across four sights: an old crippled man, diseased man, a decaying corpse, and finally a mendicant (austere monk).


51. Throughout the fourth and fifth centuries AD while the empire was decaying, Christianity was spreading to a universal dominion in Europe.


52. The decaying voltages can be measured for a time after the current is switched off.


53. Not a stone's throw from Whitehall, there stands, amidst all the hum and bustle of the great metropolis, an old decaying pile.


54. The characteristics of free vibration of a damped system, such as complex conjugate, decaying vibration, decoupling and orthogonality, are analyzed byusing the sta -te space method.


55. City officials have used Olympic projects as a means to refurbish decaying buildings and reduce air pollution, water shortages, and traffic jams.


56. A mixture of decaying organic matter, as from leaves and manure, used to improve soil structure and provide nutrients.


57. The role of the extended family has been decaying for some time.


58. Allie's heart nearly bursts.The last time she saw this house it was a rotted decaying shamble.


59. Her clothing was an umbrella that would latch onto you and pull you away, and then there were her cheeks and her fingers, unquestionably those of a decaying corpse.


60. She smelt the unpleasant smell of decaying meat.


61. Try whenever possible, if you notice the conversation around you decaying into palaver, to see if you can subtly lead the conversation back to more constructive subjects.


62. Security MattersDid You Know? SecurDisc warns you in advance if a CD or DVD is in danger of decaying, and lets you recover files from damaged and scratched discs.


63. A common, widely distributed fly(Musca domestica) that frequents human dwellings, breeds in moist or decaying organic matter, and transmits a wide variety of diseases.


64. The direct reason of the sustained rainstorm is that MCS kept growing and decaying in the convective clouds.


65. As to fungi, the function is belived to restrain the respiration rate , leading to the fungi decaying and dying, and restrain the growth of mycelia, formation and gemination of sporules.


66. searching for and feeding on decaying matter.


67. In their zeal to expand, small busine owners often ignore early warning sig of a stagnant market or of decaying profitablility.


68. Children need to learn how to use the toothbrush to prevent their teeth from decaying.


69. Dust mites, or the feces or decaying body parts they leave behind are more irritating than other allergens. Like allergy5 season, only worse.


70. Sick as he was, dying, decaying, but still so ingenious.


71. Larvae to more algae, decaying plants and small aquatic animals for food.


72. My troubles began while I was tidying up my CD collection, the decaying fruit of a misspent youth.


73. Western Christendom felt itself to be shrinking and decaying at a time when Islam seemed to be enlarging its domain.Europe was exposed to attacks from the infidel east.


74. My habitual mood of humiliation, self-doubt, forlorn depression, fell damp on the embers of my decaying ire.


75. Several key never-before-seen elements have also been added and the result is a full immersion in the gaudy, decaying police state.


76. USAC intercepted a radio transmission from a decaying orbit around Neptune.

总署接收到一个来电 发自海皇星的船上空

77. My husband, who was apparently decaying, as I observed, was at last prevailed with.


78. The cells of our body are dying, the neurons in our brain are decaying, even the expressions on our face are always changing, depending on our mood.


79. The cells of our body are dying,the neurons in our brain are decaying,even the expressions on our face are always changing,depending on our mood.


80. My spiritual life has never matured,but is still suffering from growing,or raher decaying,pangs.
