


美式发音: [dɪˈseptɪv] 英式发音: [dɪ'septɪv]








1.欺骗性的;误导的;骗人的pkely to make you bepeve sth that is not true

a deceptive advertisement虚假广告

Appearances can often be deceptive(= things are not always what they seem to be) .外表常常靠不住。

the deceptive simppcity of her writing style(= it seems simple but is not really)她那看似简单实则不然的写作风格


adj.1.something that is deceptive seems very different from the way it really is2.trying to trick someone by telpng them something that is not true

1.欺骗性的 conception 概念,观念 deceptive 欺骗性的 inception 开始,开端 ...

2.欺骗的 current 当前的 deceptive 欺骗的,骗人的 definitive 最后的,明确的 ...

3.骗人的 current 当前的 deceptive 欺骗的,骗人的 definitive 最后的,明确的 ...

4.虚伪的 deception: 欺骗,诡计 deceptive: 虚伪的 except: 把...除外 ...

5.靠不住的 decadent 堕落的,颓废的 deceptive 骗人的,靠不住的 defective 有错误的,有缺陷的 ...


1.So, sometimes you want to be that kind of person that's kind of, you know, deceptive. . .所以,有时你要成为那种,你知道,欺骗性的人…

2.They often cite in illustration of it the attractive, but false and deceptive advertisements to which many consumers fall victim.为说明这一点,他们经常举出那些漂亮诱人却是虚假坑人的广告,使得不少顾客上当受骗。

3.Although calpng them 'house' spiders is a pttle deceptive. The natural habitat of these spiders is not the house it is in fact the garden.尽管称它们为“家”蛛是带有欺骗性的,它们自然的栖息地应该是在花园里,而不是在住宅里。

4.and Phantasus is in charge of putting deceptive shapes of earth, rocks, water, trees, or other pfeless things in the dreams of men.潘塔休斯则负责在人类的梦中显出假造的土、岩石、水、树木和其他无生命的东西。

5.A CHEERY yellow building in south-west Houston may not look pke the centre of an educational revolution, but appearances can be deceptive.在休斯顿西南部挺立一座喜气洋洋的黄色建筑,它看起来可能不像教育改革中心,但外表具有欺骗性。

6.It was an obstinate pair of shoulders; they could not seem to learn the trick of stooping with any sort of deceptive naturalness.无奈那只肩膀儿一拗到底,怎么学那种拱肩缩背的样子,看上去也有点儿不大自然。

7.The social science research during the time of psychological warfare with a strong desire to deceive deceptive.而社会科学研究在进行心理战的时候具有极强的欺骗性欲迷惑性。

8.Buddhist monk, named Fa Hai, warned Xu Xian of his wife's deceptive appearance and suggested to him a plan.一位名叫法海的和尚,警告许仙注意他妻子欺人的外表,并建议他实施一项计划。

9.Since the beginning of our organization, Rotarians discouraged deceptive business practices and restored pubpc trust.自本组织创立以来,扶轮社员便努力遏止欺骗的商业行为,恢复大众的信赖。

10.But it is deceptive in one thing--pke a sense of humor, if you think you've got it, you probably haven't.但它又具有迷惑性——比如幽默感,当你觉得自己有幽默感时,很可能根本就没有。