


美式发音: [jʊˈnænɪməs] 英式发音: [juːˈnænɪməs]




adj.+n.unanimous vote,unanimous verdict,unanimous conclusion





1.(决定或意见)一致的,一致同意的if a decision or an opinion isunanimous , it is agreed or shared by everyone in a group

a unanimous vote全体一致的表决

unanimous support一致的拥护

The decision was not unanimous.这项决定没有得到一致通过。

2.~ (in sth)(团体)意见一致的,一致同意某事的if a group of people areunanimous , they all agree about sth

Local people are unanimous in their opposition to the proposed new road.当地居民一致反对拟建的新公路。


adj.1.a unanimous decision, vote, agreement, etc. is one that everyone agrees with and supports; a group of people who are unanimous about something all agree about it

1.一致的 animate 使…生机勃勃 / unanimous 一致的 anniversary 周年纪念 / ...

2.一致同意的 tenure 任职期间 unanimous 一致同意的 vacant (职位)空缺 ...

3.全体一致的 unanimity n 一致,同意 unanimous a 全体一致的 unifopate a 单叶的 ...

4.意见一致的 magnanimous 心胸博大的 unanimous 意见一致的 equanimity 平静;沉着 ...

5.无异议的 unanimity n. 全体一致 unanimous adj. 意见一致的, 无异议的 reanimate v. 鼓舞 ...

6.全体意见一致的 magnanimous 宽宏大量的,慷慨的 unanimous 全体意见一致的 autonomous 自治的,独立的 ...


1.Despite of the long history, consular protection always has no unanimous legal concept.领事保护制度虽然历史悠久,但其内涵一直模糊不清。

2.When popular opinion is nearly unanimous, contrary thinking tends to be most profitable.大众意见盛行时,个人观点却是最实用的。

3.if the claim to be used as the capital contribution involves two or more creditors, having the unanimous consent of all such creditors; and.用于出资的债权涉及两个以上债权人的,应当经该债权的全体债权人一致同意;

4."This seems to confirm the unanimous and uncontested tradition that they are the mortal remains of the Apostle Paul, " Benedict said.“这似乎证实了一致的和没有争议的传统,他们的遗体的使徒保罗,”教宗说。

5.The opinion of analysts is almost unanimous: BMW remains one of the best-managed and best- positioned OEMs globally, with a great brand.分析人士的意见几乎也是一致的:宝马是世界上管理最好、财务状况最好的汽车厂商之一,有着伟大的品牌。

6.They may have no more luck with Congress than Mr Bowles and Mr Simpson; but at least their report will probably be unanimous.在国会上,他们的方案受到的待遇不会比鲍尔斯先生和辛普森先生的好,不过最起码他们的报告很可能是一致通过的。

7.All my friends were unanimous not to let me so far neglect my character as to adjust a thing of this kind without reparation.我的朋友们一致反对我不顾自己的名声,得不到什么赔偿就这样草草了事。

8.Within a week, I completed a second round of the design and prototype construction, by the unanimous favorite users.在一个星期内我完成了第二轮的设计和原型构造,受到了用户们的一致喜爱。

9.A moment after quietness, our kailyard at last began to be brought to a new high tide by cicadas' unanimous tweet.我们的菜园在有了片刻的安静后,终于被蝉儿齐刷刷的啸叫声带向一个新的高潮。

10.He remembered the fact that his nomination had not been unanimous.他想起他被提名并不是一致通过的。